The activities of the sub programme ensures that environmental governance at the country, regional and global levels is strengthened to address agreed environmental priorities. This is done by supporting Governments at all levels in establishing, implementing and strengthening the necessary processes, institutions, laws, policies and programmes to achieve sustainable development and works with United Nations, international institutions, regional, sub-regional and national bodies, multilateral environmental agreements, civil societies and the private sector to increase the mainstreaming of the environment into other sectoral processes and policies bodies, international institutions, regional, sub-regional and national bodies, multilateral environmental agreements, civil societies and the private sector to increase the mainstreaming of the environment into other sectoral processes and policies.
Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement
- A propos
- Régions
Parcourir les sujets
- Air
- Biosécurité
- Cities
- Technologie
- Catastrophes et conflits
- Energie
- L'environnement à l'étude
- Gouvernance environnementale
- Activités extractives
- Food Systems
- Forêts
- Eau douce
- Egalité des sexes
- Economie verte
- Mers et océans
- Utilisation rationnelle des ressources
- Objectifs de développement durable
- Transports
- Enseignement et formation
- Science & données