Provide legal and technical support

In Environmental law and governance
 “Over 100 countries around the world have so far guaranteed their citizens the right to a healthy and clean environment; however, the enforcement part of such initiatives has been a challenge” - Arnold Kreilhuber, Deputy Director, Law Division, UN Environment.

In light of the growing importance of environmental rights worldwide, UN Environment continues to enhance its substantive work to strengthen the prevention, mitigation and investigation of, as well as response to, any environmental and human rights violations that environmental defenders are subjected to.

UN Environment continues to strengthen our strategic partnerships with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights as well as the Special Rapporteurs on Human Rights and Environment, Human Rights Defenders, the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and other UN human rights experts in order to support joint action and common responses on protecting human rights defenders and progressing environmental rights. 

UN Environment additionally supports the strengthening and establishment of networks through which environmental human rights defenders will connect, share experiences and information, develop and implement even better strategies to promote environmental protection.

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In Environmental law and governance