• Overview

From Youssef Nassef, Director of Adaptation Programme:

I am pleased to inform Parties and observer States to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement and United Nations Secretariat units and bodies, specialized agencies and related organizations that, in response to an offer to host from the Government of the Republic of Korea, the NAP Expo for this year will be held from 8 to 12 April 2019, in Songdo, Republic of Korea.

The NAP Expo is conducted as part of the Korea Global Adaptation Week, which also includes the Adaptation Forum organized by the Adaptation Committee, and a regional Technical Expert Meeting on Adaptation organized by the Green Climate Fund. The Korea Global Adaptation Week is co-hosted by the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea and co-organized with the Korea Environment Institute (KEI) Korea Adaptation Center for Climate Change (KACCC) and the Incheon Metropolitan City.

The NAP Expo is an outreach event organized by the Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) under the UNFCCC in collaboration relevant bodies and organizations. It promotes the exchange of experiences and fostering partnerships between a wide range of actors and stakeholders on how to advance National Adaptation Plans (NAPs). It brings together a diversity of Party and non-Party actors and stakeholders, including, inter alia: policymakers and experts on NAPs from national and subnational government authorities; representatives of the Green Climate Fund, the Global Environment Facility, the Adaptation Fund, United Nations organizations and other international organizations, bilateral and multilateral agencies, regional centres and networks, and the private sector; as well as key scientists and practitioners on climate change adaptation.

Interested Parties and observer States and United Nations Secretariat units and bodies, specialized agencies and related organizations should contact the secretariat through the e-mail address napexpo@unfccc.int to register for the event.

The deadline for registration is 1 March 2019. In view of the need to confirm the arrangements for the meeting as early as possible, please be advised that the secretariat may not be in a position to process registrations received after this deadline.

The event will offer space for exhibitions showcasing progress in adaptation in countries as well as relevant activities and support by organizations. Please communicate your interest for exhibition space when registering.

Further information regarding the event, a draft programme and information for participants will be made available on the event website at: http://napexpo.org/2019