• Overview

 10th GEF Biennial International Waters Conference (IWC10)

When: 23-26 September 2024

Where: Punta del Este, Uruguay

(Pre-conference workshops will take place on 21-22 September 2024 in Montevideo)

The 2024 IWC resumes after 6 years, in its 10th edition, hosted by the Government of Uruguay, in Punta del Este, under the theme: "Transformative actions and impacts for the water and ocean SDGs: The GEF IW response to the global challenge", to reunite the IW portfolio and celebrate 30 years of the GEF IW focal area.  

WC10 will feature an innovation marketplace (exhibit area), extensive opportunities for focused learning on issues concerning project implementation and portfolio issues, interactive training for IW project managers and country representatives, as well as interaction with the GEF Secretariat, GEF agencies and several partner institutions working on International Waters projects. The Conference will engage participants in a variety of session formats, including plenary sessions and roundtable discussions, workshops and interactive sessions. It will also feature an innovation marketplace, where projects, partners and sponsors can display their results, unique approaches, and catalytic outcomes, with emphasis on how these may be leveraged and replicated. Furthermore, it will offer the opportunity to visit technical sites of special interest to the IW portfolio, as well as networking and social opportunities, through the evening events and the Gala di

See here for registration and updates.