
Showing 176 - 180 of 180

180 results found


A new generation of farmers brings productivity back to Cuba’s landscape

With its tropical beaches and rolling hills, spotted with tobacco plantations and pine forest, Cuba might not be the first place that comes to mind when you think of degraded land. But behind the tourist idyll lies a grimmer reality.

Story Energy

How many people does it take to change a light bulb? So begins the old joke, but the more serious question for India’s Energy Efficiency Services Ltd was how many people need to switch to energy-efficient light bulbs in order to reduce the nation’s carbon footprint?

Video Climate Action

Soil degradation is a major challenge for Vietnam's farmers, but biochar could be the answer.


Online data is helping water authorities collaborate across borders to fight the impacts of climate change

It’s a cycle that is becoming all too common around the globe. A swing from flood to drought and back that costs nations billions of dollars every year and threatens not just the livelihoods but the very lives of millions of people.

Categorized Under: International Waters

Story Climate Action

While most people are familiar with the link between fossil fuel burning and the release of greenhouse gases, not so many are aware of the role land use management can play in mitigating climate change.

Categorized Under: Climate Action Land Degradation

Showing 176 - 180 of 180