Johan Robinson

Portfolio Manager


Johan Robinson is a Senior Programme Officer responsible for the UN Environment-Global Environment Facility Biodiversity & Land Degradation portfolios.

Johan is an Environmental Specialist with over 20 years of applied experience in biodiversity conservation and addressing land degradation and its role in sustainable development. He has worked in numerous natural environments including tropical forests, drylands, mountains, wetlands, and freshwater and marine ecosystems.

Johan has specific expertise in the areas of protected area management and finance, mainstreaming biodiversity into production sectors (such as fisheries, forestry, agriculture and tourism), landscape management and ecosystem-based climate change adaptation and mitigation. He has experience in developing countries in Southern and Eastern Africa (including the Indian Ocean region), Asia, the Pacific Island countries, Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Arab States, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Johan is widely recognized for innovation in design and implementation of environment-related projects and his expertise in mobilizing partnerships for environmental management with states, NGOs and the private sector. Johan is South African and has worked within the United Nations system for the last twelve years.

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