ID: GEF-3008 Completed

Development of the National Clearing House Mechanism, Capacity Assessment for ABS and Taxanomy in Morocco, and Updating of the NBSAP

100% Complete
Start Date:
15 December 2010
End Date:
30 September 2012


The GEF biodiversity add-on project contains three main objectives:
a) Capacity assessment for Taxonomy and revision : To carry out any additional assessment of capacity development needs required for the effective and efficient implementation of the priority objectives of the NBSAP. This is in accordance with the GEF Guidelines for Additional Funding of Biodiversity Enabling Activities (Expedited Procedures) issued in February 2000 and CoP Decisions II/7, IV/1 D, V/9 (priority), VI/5, VI/8, VI/23, VI/24 of the Conference of the Parties.
b) Capacity assessment for ABS: To undertake in depth consultations on Access to Benefit Sharing (ABS) and Taxonomy as guided by the GEF in the 2000 guidelines for expedited procedures for Add on funds in the area of Biodiversity enabling activities.
c) Development of a national CHM: To further develop the capacity of the CHM to improve the availability and dissemination of biodiversity-relevant information at both national and regional levels.

• Update the existing databases (inventory) of contact details of organizations responsible for biodiversity management in Morocco;
• Identification and creation of linkages to other existing biodiversity databases in Morocco
• Compilation of a reference bibliography of biodiversity publications for Morocco,
• Production of regular public awareness products, for example, newsletters, press releases, for use in raising biodiversity awareness amongst policymakers and the general public

$ 20,000
Project Grant:
$ 207,500
Total Value:
$ 227,500


Ministry of Land Planning, Water and Environment
Implementing Agencies:
Project Documents: