
Showing 26 - 39 of 39

39 results found

Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Madagascar 2014-2020

In the last 20 years, extreme weather such as flooding, cyclones and heatwaves have taken a heavy toll on the nation’s coastal communities, severely affecting access to basic necessities. The government of Madagascar is working to build the resilience of coastal communities in 4 regions: Boeny; Menabe; Atsinanana, and Vatovavy-Fitovinany.

Categorized Under: Climate Change Adaptation

Ecosystem-based Adaptation in Angola 2016-2020

A GEF-funded project is seeking to help climate-vulnerable coastal communities by using ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) – a type of ‘nature-based solution’ that uses ecosystem services to reduce the negative impacts of climate change. The main approaches of the project are: Establishing an early warning climate forecasting system (EWS) to help people prepare in advance for extreme weather; restoring wetlands and mangroves to provide flood defences; promoting climate-resilient land management techniques to mitigate the impacts of drought on livelihoods; and integrating adaptation into natio

Categorized Under: Climate Change Adaptation

Early Warning Climate Forecasting in Rwanda 2010-2015

The UN Environment Programme is helping the government of Rwanda to build the climate resilience of people living near the Gishwati area. The local population depends hugely on rain-fed crops, but the region is under immense pressure from climate change and erratic rainfall.

Categorized Under: Climate Change Adaptation


This publication is targeted at project developers, that is, climate change practitioners working in governmental institutions who are embarking on projects aiming to build or further develop information systems to support the implementation of the enhanced transparency framework.

Categorized Under: Climate Change Mitigation

Mercury Toolkit

UNEP's Toolkit for identification and quantification of mercury releases, hereafter referred as the Toolkit, is intended to assist countries to identify and quantify the sources of mercury releases. With the Toolkit, a comprehensive national mercury releases inventory can be developed. These inventories will assist countries in setting priorities and reduction targets, and enhance international co-operation, knowledge sharing and enable targeted technical assistance. 

Categorized Under: Chemicals & Waste


The present publication is aimed at policy-makers, climate negotiators and Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) practitioners in developing countries. It focuses on the reporting requirements for developing countries and intends to inform these countries on how to prepare for the new reporting requirements set out in Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) for the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF), referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement.

Categorized Under: Climate Change Mitigation

Ecosystem-Based Adaptation in Cambodia 2013-2019

The project is building climate adaptation near 5 community protected forests across the country. These areas are extremely vulnerable to climate change due to increasingly erratic rainfall, where dry seasons are getting drier and wet seasons are wetter, causing devastating floods and droughts. The main approaches of the project are to reforest natural land to regulate soil waterflow; create patrols to halt illegal logging; establish ‘home-gardens’ with irrigation to diversify sources of food and income; and develop early warning climate systems to inform farmers’ planting decisions.

Categorized Under: Climate Change Adaptation


The project’s 1st phase built climate forecasting systems across Gambia to help communities prepare in advance for extreme weather. The project provided equipment and training for forecasting offices and TV/radio networks. The project’s 2nd phase aims to: Support the transition of Gambia’s National Meteorological Services (NMS) towards becoming financially sustainable; upgrade the early warning systems; and provide a critical mass of skilled human resources to operate the system. UNEP and UNDP are the implementing entities for this project.

Categorized Under: Climate Change Adaptation


This guide is published as part of U4E and focuses on residential refrigerators. It guides policymakers on how to promote energy-efficient refrigerators in their respective national markets.

Categorized Under: Climate Change Mitigation


Most developed countries are well underway in the transition to energy-efficient motors. However, many developing and emerging economies are just starting to explore and implement such opportunities. A well-designed set of policies can help transform these markets by enabling them to leapfrog past out-dated technologies to superior, costeffective alternatives.

Categorized Under: Climate Change Mitigation


This guide focuses on room air conditioners and is intended to provide policy makers with information and best-practice case studies on how to promote energy-efficient and climatefriendly room air conditioners in their respective national markets. 

The guide is structured around the “U4E Integrated policy approach”. It is a proven, comprehensive policy-driven approach to transform markets, lower energybills, improve environmental quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Categorized Under: Climate Change Mitigation


This report is published as part of U4E and focuses on lighting. The report guides policymakers on how to promote energy efficient lighting in their respective national markets. It is based on the integrated policy approach, which has been used around the world to bring about sustainable and cost-effective market transformation.

Categorized Under: Climate Change Mitigation

Road Map for the development of Alternatives to DDT

Produced at the request of the 6th Basel Convention COP, the roadmap provides a framework for a global transition away from DDT and towards safe, effective, affordable and environmentally sound alternatives.

Categorized Under: Chemicals & Waste

Global Chemicals Outlook

The result of a two-year process bringing together governments, industry, academics and civil society, the Global Chemicals Outlook is being used by decision makers globally to build capacity and implement policy change to protect the environment and human health. GCO II is currently under development.

Categorized Under: Chemicals & Waste

Showing 26 - 39 of 39