​​​​​​​GEO-6 Authors 

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Coordinating Lead Authors 

Coordinating Lead Authors (CLAs) established and coordinated writing teams for each section in the Global and Regional assessments based on the selection of Lead Authors by the Scientific Advisory Panel, in close consultation with respective CLAs, the Secretariat, and the UNEP Chief Scientist. Ensuring the scientific credibility and technical accuracy of GEO-6 content in the section that they are responsible for, was one of the main tasks of CLAs. The global Scientific Advisory Panel, in consultation with the CoP Moderators, the Secretariat and the UNEP Chief Scientist, selected the CLA experts. The specific number of CLAs that GEO-6 required was guided by the outcomes of the Intergovernmental and Multi-stakeholder Consultation and the Regional Environmental Information Network conferences. UNEP paid a modest honorarium to all CLAs.

Key roles and responsibilities (Terms of Reference): 

  • take the overall responsibility for coordinating and drafting sections to given deadlines, actively participate in the GEO-6 CoPs and work closely with the designated CoP Moderator and Secretariat staff to provide oversight of the section; 
  • plan the relevant information, knowledge and data required for each section that will be accessed through UNEP Live; 
  • lead ‘writing sprints’7 with the designated CoP Moderators to deliver first-order drafts for each section; 
  • ensure that manuscripts are completed to a high standard, collated and delivered to the Secretariat in a timely manner and conform to the GEO-6 guidelines for scientific credibility; 
  • ensure that all review comments are dealt with according to specific guidelines; 
  • develop text that is scientifically, technically and socio-economically sound incorporating contributions by a wide variety of experts; 
  • ensure that any crosscutting scientific or technical issues, which may involve several sections (and/or) regional assessments of the GEO-6 are addressed in a complete and coherent manner; 
  • prepare the first-order draft of the Summary for Policy Makers, under the guidance and leadership of the HLG; 
  • contribute to preparing intermediate technical papers8 as required; and 
  • take responsibility for referring any scientific credibility issues such as uncertainties and use of grey literature to the SAP, when such issues cannot be dealt with within their writing team. 
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