Assessment Methodologies, Data and Information Working Group (AMG) 

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The key mandate of the Assessment Methodologies, Data and Information Working Group (AMG)  is to “to provide guidance on assessment methodologies and to guide the overall quality assurance of data and information flows”. It was established to provide advice and inputs on assessment methodologies, data and information flows and quality assurance procedures. The members were selected through the nomination and engagement process and  comprised of three experts from each UNEP region, plus up to six global assessment, data and information experts. The Assessment Methodologies, Data and Information Working Group, was supported by the Environment Live teams in Nairobi and regional offices. 

  1. Prof. Graciela Metternicht - Argentina 
  2. Mr. Wabi Marcos - Benin 
  3. Dr. Ousséni Arouna - Benin 
  4. Dr. Sandra De Carlo - Brazil 
  5. Prof. Fei Wang - China 
  6. Prof. Reza Maknoon - Iran (Islamic Republic of) 
  7. Ms. Qurat ul Ain Ahmad - Pakistan 
  8. Prof. Rosario Gómez - Peru 
  9. Mrs. Maria Andrzejewska - Poland 
  10. Mr. Nicolas Perritaz - Switzerland 
  11. Dr. Mathis Wackernagel - Switzerland 
  12. Mr. Thuy Nguyen Van – Vietnam 
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