Review Editors and Reviewers 

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Review Editors and Reviewers were selected through the nomination and engagement process by the sixth edition of the Global Environment Outlook (GEO-6) Scientific Advisory Panel in consultation with the Secretariat and UNEP Chief Scientist’s Office, prior to the first round of peer-review. The primary role of the Review Editors was to ensure that all substantive expert and government review comments were properly considered by the Writing Teams. Review Editors were not intended to serve as additional content reviewers, but rather to provide quality assurance and oversight of the review process.

Key roles and responsibilities (Terms of Reference) 

  • provide oversight on the review process of designated sections; 
  • ensure all substantive review comments are afforded appropriate consideration; 
  • prepare written summaries of the most significant issues raised by reviewers; 
  • on a case-by-case basis, as requested by the Secretariat, carefully monitor and review the use and consideration of grey literature, including the integration of local and indigenous knowledge sources; 
  • be available to provide responses to the Scientific Advisory Panel (SAP) when requested, on the review process; and 
  • prepare final reports to the Secretariat. 
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