High-Level Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Advisory Group (HLG) 

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The High-Level Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Advisory Group (HLG) was established to provide guidance to the policy assessment process, leadership on the Summary for Policy Makers, and substantive support to relevant outreach activities. It was comprised of five members from each of the United Nations Regional Groups of Member States plus five stakeholder representatives. 

Key roles and responsibilities (Terms of Reference): 

  • ensure that mandates, scope and process are fully realised within the implementation plan; 
  • as appropriate, advise on relevant procedures for GEO-6; 
  • provide guidance for the policy aspects of the global assessment; 
  • provide leadership on the development of the pre-negotiated Summary for Policy Makers for endorsement by UNEA; 
  • actively participate in the GEO-6 Communities of Practice (CoPs) and online discussions amongst members and attend the HLG meeting; 
  • where necessary, the HLG will provide recommendations to the Secretariat and Coordinating Lead Authors (CLAs) and CoP Moderators on ways to improve both methodology and content (in consultation with the Assessment Methodologies, Data and Information Working Group) and 
  • advise on, participate in and ensure that relevant outreach activities throughout the GEO-6 process are undertaken. 

High-Level Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Advisory Group (HLG) 

  1. Ms.Victoria de Higa Rodriguez -Argentina 
  2. Amb. Fernando E.L.S. Coimbra - Brazil 
  3. Mr. Julio Baena (alternate) - Brazil 
  4. Ms. Veronica Marques (alternate) - Brazil 
  5. Mr. Patrick Akwa Kum Bong - Cameroon 
  6. Ms. Paula Brand (vice-chair) - Canada 
  7. Prof. Yi Huang - China 
  8. Mr. Edgar Gutiérrez Espeleta - Costa Rica 
  9. Prof. Pascal Valentin Houénou (vice-chair) - Côte d'Ivoire 
  10. Prof. Bedrich Moldan - Czech Republic 
  11. Mr. Xavier Sticker - France 
  12. Mr. Jurgis Sapijanskas (alternate) - France 
  13. Ms. Marine Collignon (alternate) - France 
  14. Mr. Shri M. Peter Johnson - India 
  15. Ms. Laksmi Dhewanthi - Indonesia 
  16. Prof. Majid Shafiepour Motlagh - Iran (Islamic Republic) 
  17. Mr. Jock Martin - Ireland 
  18. Mr. Paolo Soprano (chair) - Italy 
  19. Mr. Pierluigi Manzione - Italy 
  20. Dr. Yaseen M. Khayyat - Jordan 
  21. Ms. Noasilalaonomenjahary Ambinintsoa Lucie - Madagascar 
  22. Mr. Benon Bibbu Yassin - Malawi 
  23. Mr. Rodolfo Lacy Tamayo - Mexico 
  24. Dr. Arturo Flores Martinez (alternate) - Mexico 
  25. Ms. Hæge Andenæs - Norway 
  26. Ms. Mork-Knutsen Ingeborg (alternate) - Norway 
  27. Ms. Sibylle Vermont - Switzerland 
  28. Prof. Nassir S. Al-Amri - Saudi Arabia 
  29. Dr. Asdaporn Krairapanond - Thailand 
  30. Mr. John M. Matuszak - United States of America 
  31. Dr. Keri Holland (alternate) - United States of America 
  32. Prof. Sara Baisai Feresu - Zimbabwe 
  33. Prof. Gillian Bowser - Education Stakeholder 
  34. Mr. Terry Yosie - Private sector stakeholder 
  35. Ms. Sascha Gabizon - Gender stakeholder 
  36. Mr. Simon Birkett - Air pollution stakeholder 
  37. Mr. Najib Saab - Water pollution stakeholder 
  38. Ms. Joji Carino - Indigenous peoples stakeholder 
  39. Ms. Melinda Kimble - Foundations stakeholder 
  40. Ms. Megan Meaney - Local governments stakeholder 
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