The Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Forum on Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining and the Minamata Convention on Mercury was held on April 14-16 2015, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
The Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Forum on Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining and the Minamata Convention on Mercury was convened to support nine Sub-Saharan African countries in the development of their National Action Plans for reducing mercury use in Artisanal and Small Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) to meet the obligations of the Minamata Convention. The workshop provided training on the requirements for the National Action Plans, and helped countries prepare for implementation by providing scientific information and tools relevant to managing the ASGM sector.
Background on ASGM and the Minamata Convention
(The individual presentations are available on request)
Overview and Implementation of the Minamata Convention
Ken Davis, UNEP, April 14
ASGM in the Minamata Convention (article 7)
Ludovic Bernaudat (given by S. Keane), UNIDO, April 14
Guidance for National Action Plans
Susan Keane, NRDC, April 14
Formalization Panel Discussion
Required Elements of the NAP part 1 - Formalization/Regulation
John Tychsen, GEUS, April 14
Managing Mercury Trade and Preventing Diversion
Managing Mercury Trade Under the Minamata Convention: Application to ASGM
Richard Gutierrez, Ban Toxics, Philippines, April 14
Public Health Strategies
Health in National Action Plans
Susan Keane, NRDC, April 14
Health in National Action Plan on ASGM: Philippine Experience
Richard Gutierrez, Ban Toxics, Philippines, April 14
Baselines of Mercury Use and Practices
Required Elements of the NAP Part 4: Baselines of Mercury Use and Practices
Kevin Telmer, Artisanal Gold Council, April 15
Example Inventory Calculator
Kevin Telmer, Artisanal Gold Council, April 15
Eliminating Worst Practices and Exposures to Mercury
Eliminating Worst Practices and Reducing Exposures to Mercury from ASGM
Kevin Telmer, Artisanal Gold Council, April 15
Business/Financial Models to Replicate/Sustain Adoption of New Practices
Business/Financial Models to Replicate/Sustain Adoption of New Practices
Ruma Tavorath, World Bank, April 15
GEF funding for NAP Development
Philippine National Action Plan on the Phaseout of Mercury in ASGM
Richard Gutierrez, Ban Toxics, Philippones, April 15
Mozambique NAP- Project Proposal
Geraldo Valoi, Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy, Mozambique, April 16
GEF Support to the Minamata Convention in the Interim Period
Ibrahima Sow, April 16