The following meeting documents and presentations are available:
Meeting Documents:
Summary UNEP Mercury Storage Project: English Spanish
Storage options: English
Questions to guide the discussion: English Spanish
"Assessment Report of Excess Mercury Supply in Latin America and the Caribbean,2010-2050"
Technical Presentations:
Mercury Storage Options in the Latin America and Caribbean Region English
USA work on Surplus Mercury: English Spanish
Managing Excess USA Mercury English Spanish
Mercury Storage Facility in the USA
Mercury Storage in Europe and Germany Regulations and General Conditions English
Underground Waste Disposal in the EU English Spanish
UNEP Mercury Storage Project Spanish
Mercury Storage Facility English Spanish
UNEP Global Mercury Partnership English
Assessment of Excess Mercury Supply in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2010-2050 English
Basel Convention Coordinating Center: current activities on Mercury Spanish
Chile: National Mercury Inventory and National Management Plan Spanish
Honduras: Reducing Mercury Release in the Hospital Spanish