• Overview

The UNEP Global Mercury Partnership, its Areas of work on Mercury Waste Management and on Mercury Supply and Storage as well as the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention jointly organized a side event on "Mercury Wastes: latest developments, tools and practices for their environmentally sound management" in the margins of the 2022 meetings of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Convention on Thursday 9 June 2022.

The event showcased latest developments under the Minamata and Basel conventions and the Partnership, shared best practices in selected sectors and featured experience from countries and the industry in the practical implementation of sound management practices.

-- Agenda --

Opening remarks

  • Koji Ono, Ministry of the Environment, Japan, co-lead of the Mercury Waste Management Area
  • Eisaku Toda, Secretariat of the Minamata Convention 

1. Available guidance and tools, facilitated by Stéphanie Laruelle, Coordinator of the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership 

  • Technical guidelines on the Environmentally Sound Management of Mercury Wastes under the Basel Convention, by Kaoru Oka, EX Research Institute Ltd.
  • Tools developed in the context of the Global Mercury Partnership Area on Waste Management, by Nicolas Humez, International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)

Questions and Answers 

2. Panel Discussion on mercury waste management: perspectives and practices, facilitated by Judith Torres, Ministry of Housing, Territorial Planning and Environment, Uruguay, and Ana Garcia, Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Spain, co-leads of the Partnership Area on Supply and Storage

  • Anahit Aleksandryan, Ministry of Environment, Armenia
  • Carlos M. López Alled, Tragsa, Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITERD), Spain 
  • Christian Stiels, Econ Industries
  • Mohammed Oglah Khashashneh, Ministry of Environment, Jordan
  • Philippe Zanettin, BATREC
  • Ram Charitra Sah, Center for Public Health and Environmental Development (CEPHED), Nepal

Questions and Answers

Closing remarks 

  • Rodges Ankrah, US-EPA, Co-chair of the Partnership Advisory Group





Recording (available shortly)