• Overview

The Partnership Area on Mercury Releases from Coal Combustion of the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership held its annual meeting on Thursday 13 June 2024.

The meeting was the occasion to share updates on recent activities, and exchange on ongoing work in the area. Further information, including recordings and presentations, will be made available in due course on this page.

Provisional Agenda

Among others, agenda items would include the following:

  • an update on the Minamata Convention from the UNEP secretariat;
  • information on the progress of the Global Environment Fund project; 
  • details of additional capacity-building work in South Africa, Vietnam and Pakistan;
  • updates from partners;
  • open discussion on current and potential future projects including work on seawater FGD releases.


The meeting was hybrid with delegates joining in person at the Sangri-la Eros Hotel New Delhi or online.

This event was delivered in conjunction with a larger 2-day event - Assessment of existing and future emissions reduction from the coal sector toward the implementation of the Minamata and Stockholm Conventions - delivered in India by Macquarie University under the auspices of UNEP and on behalf of the Global Environment Fund.