
Area: Waste Management

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28 results found

Cement Industry, Coal Combustion, Waste Management

From 6 to 10 June 2024, the Partnership areas on mercury releases from coal combustion,  mercury releases from the cement industry and mercury waste management jointly held a series of workshop to enhance inventories and strategies under Article 8 of the Minamata Convention on Mercury in Paki

Waste Management

The Mercury Waste Management Area of the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership met on Tuesday 11 March 2024 in an online setting. The session provided opportunity to exchange on ongoing and future work of the Partnership thematic area.


Air Transport and Fate, Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM), Cement Industry, Chlor-alkali, Coal Combustion, Products, Supply and Storage, Waste Management

Interested in knowing more about the Minamata Convention and biodiversity, mercury pollution and its impacts on wildlife, or existing approaches to sustainable conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems? Join our virtual event on Thursday 12 October.

Waste Management

The Mercury Waste Management Area of the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership held its meeting on Tuesday 10 October 2023 in an online setting. The session was the occasion to exchanges on ongoing work of the area working groups.


Air Transport and Fate, Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM), Cement Industry, Chlor-alkali, Coal Combustion, Products, Supply and Storage, Waste Management

Join the Movement for Environmental Justice!

In a world grappling with environmental crises, marginalized groups like Indigenous Peoples are the unsung heroes of sustainable development. Their wisdom, traditions and values hold the key to our planet's future. But lurking at the heart of their struggle is the menacing specter of MERCURY.

Waste Management

Co-organized by the Secretariat of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, Burkina Faso, Switzerland, the Secretariat of BRS Conventions and UNEP Global Mercury Partnership, this event addressed the challenges faced by developing countries in managing and disposing of mercury waste in an environmentally sound manner.

Waste Management

The Mercury Waste Management Area of the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership held its annual meeting on Wednesday 15 March 2023 in an online setting. The session featured the introduction of new partners, as well as exchanges on ongoing work of the area working groups.

-- Agenda --

12:00 – 12:05 Opening

Chlor-alkali, Waste Management

The Partnership Areas on Mercury cell Chlor-alkali Production and Mercury Waste Management hosted a joint webinar on the sound management and elimination of mercury and mercury waste in the chlor-alkali sector on 16 February 2023.

Waste Management

Minamata Online sessions on 5 October 2022. Waste management is a good example of synergies between international treaties. Parties to the Minamata Convention are to use the technical guidelines under the Basel Convention for the environmentally sound management of mercury waste. The guidelines were published in 2015 and updated at Basel Convention COP in June 2022.

Air Transport and Fate, Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM), Cement Industry, Chlor-alkali, Coal Combustion, Products, Supply and Storage, Waste Management

The Global Mercury Partnership organised an information sharing session on Minamata Initial Assessments (MIAs): latest trends, key findings and data analysis tools, on Tuesday 27 September 2022, from 2:00pm to 3:30pm CEST, in an online setting.

Showing 1 - 10 of 28