• Overview

This lunch time side event took place during the Second Conference of Parties of the Minamata Convention.

Since 2007, the members of the Global Mercury Partnership have been collaborating on the development and implementation of innovative solutions to reduce the harmful impacts on mercury to human health and the environment. This event highlighted selected examples of solutions in action from various partnership areas. After a brief introduction by the Global Mercury Partnership Secretariat, selected members of the Partnership have outlined particular solutions that they implemented, highlighting how they used the Partnership network for support and collaboration.

Partners were selected by the Secretariat in cooperation with the Partnership Area leads. The topics presented included mercury use in ASGM, trade in mercury-added products, emissions from coal-fired power plants and non-ferrous metals smelting, and environmental mercury monitoring. The target audience is broad – all delegates as well as non-governmental participants in COP2. During the event, time was provided to give the opportunity for the audience to ask questions and engage in the discussion.


The UN Environment Coal Partnership: Best Practice Options and Projects in Emerging Economies - Lesley Sloss

Customs Codes for Mercury-Added Product - Peter Maxson

Survey on Harmonized System Initiative of the Global Mercury Partnership - Arturo Gavilan Garcia

The CRAFT Code as A Support Model for Mercury Phasing Out Approaches - Code of Risk Mitigation for ASM Engaging in Formal Trade - Yves Bertran