GEF supported mercury initiatives



Welcome to the inter-agency directory of Global Environment Facility (GEF) financed projects. For more information on each of the initiatives follow the links below.

Projects funded under article 3. Supply, sources and trade

UNEP led projects and programs:

Projects funded under article 4. Mercury-added Products

UNEP led projects, programs and events:

Projects funded under article 5. Manufacturing processes

Projects funded under article 7. Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining

UNIDO led, projects and programs:

Projects funded under article 8. Emissions and article 9. Releases

Projects funded under article 11. Waste

UNDP led projects and programs:

UNEP led projects and programs:

Cross-cutting Projects

UNEP led projects, programs and events:

UNEP led multi-agency, projects and programs:

UNIDO led projects and programs:



Interagency showcase of GEF supported mercury initiatives