
Dangerous, mercury-laden and often illegal skin-lightening products Readily available for (online) purchase

Dangerous, mercury-laden and often illegal skin-lightening products Readily available for (online) purchase

November 2019 (Revised March 2022) It is an uncomfortable truth that colorism is still pervasive worldwide. In communities of color, beauty standards based on the racist notion that lighter skin is more desirable still hold power. In the quest for lighter skin, many people of color turn to skin lightening products and by choosing some of the least expensive products, unwittingly expose themselves to more toxic and illegal substances.
By the end of 2020, the Minamata Convention on Mercury requires each Party to ban the manufacture, import or export of cosmetics containing over 1 ppm mercury, by taking appropriate measures. On the other hand, the massive growth of online retail is creating an enormous challenge for governments attempting to keep dangerous, toxic and often illegal products out of consumers’ hands.