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Final Report - Storage and Disposal of Mercury In Mexico Project for the Latin American and Caribbean Region Mexico - Panama
Informe de Final de la Actualización del Inventario de Liberaciones de Mercurio en Panamá Proyecto: “Almacenamiento Ambientalmente Racional de Mercurio y Eliminación de Excedentes” Trabajo realizado en el marco del convenio: Ministerio De Salud, YMCA De Panama Y El Programa De Las Naciones Unidas Para El Medio Ambiente (PNUMA).
Storing and Disposing Excess Mercury in South America: Advancing National Initiatives in Argentina and Uruguay.
This study explores selected options that can replace the mercury mining at the Khaidarkan Mercury Combine (KMC) near the Aidarken settlement in Kyrgyzstan. It considers mining economics, geology and the environmental, health and social effects of the various alternatives.
In order to assist discussions within the Partnership on Supply and Storage, important terms with relevance to storage of elemental mercury and to storage and disposal of waste consisting of elemental mercury and waste containing or contaminated with mercury have been identified. These are presented in the format of a “Question and Answer” (Q & A) to provide a basic overview.
The reduction of supply is regarded as a priority in the overall goal of reducing the mercury related risk to human health and the environment. Elemental mercury as well as mercury compounds that are produced by recycling, as a by-product of metal production or by other sources may enter the market as commodities.
According to the scenarios assessed in the report, mercury supply and demand in Asia are projected to reach a rough equilibrium beginning about 2014-2015. After 2017 the urgency of an Asian mercury storage capability is likely to depend on the rate of demand reduction. Substantial excess mercury can be expected in Asia after 2030.
Document presented by Argentina during the inception workshop for the Mercury Storage and Disposal Project in Two Selected Countries in South America, which took place in Montevideo, Uruguay on 28 and 29 June 2011.
Report of meeting proceedings for the the inception workshop of the Mercury Storage and Disposal Project in Two Selected Countries in South America, which took place in Montevideo, Uruguay on 28 and 29 June 2011.
Phase I of the Project was aimed to provide a contribution to creation of more favorable conditions for alternative employment in the village and nearby locality and thus decrease dependence on the mercury mine.
Technical advice on options for mercury storage and disposal
Map demonstrating the mercury trade in the world, with data from from the United Nations COMtrade - 2007 and 2004.
A suggested framework for decision making for the safe management of surplus mercury: An output from the Integrating Knowledge to Inform Mercury Policy (IKIMP) Initiative
This reports gives a retrospective on the current state of affairs of the mercury issue and articulate recommendations for the countries in the LAC region with respect to a long term safe management and storage of mercury.
Draft document: This document provides practical information when readers of the Basel TG would like to implement principles described in the Basel TG.
The subject of this study are obstacles and opportunities for the development of social and economic activity of local population resulting in increased employment in public and private sectors of Aidarken village of the Batken province in the Kyrgyz Republic.
As complementary input to ongoing UNEP's consideration on the issue of storage of mercury, the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS), a Germany based independent expert- and research organisation on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment (BMU) has conducted a literature overview to identify and describe existing technologies for the stabilization/solidificatio
The goal of this research is to assist the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in a decisionmaking scenario to move forward in phasing out (replacing) the primary mercury production at the Khaidarkan Mercury Plant in a socially and environmentally responsible manner.
This report is part of the overall Kyrgyzstan Primary Mercury Mining Project funded by the Government of Norway, Switzerland and the United States of America and being carried out as a partnership between UNITAR, UNEP, and Zoï Environment Network.
United Nations Statement - Kyrgyzstan Primary Mercury Mine, delivered at the Kyrgyzstan National Forum on 6 July 2009, by the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Kyrgyz Republic, Mr. Neal Walker.
The future principal sources of mercury in the Latin American and Caribbean region were identified as that recovered as a by-product of mining operations, and recovered from the closure/conversion of mercury cell chlor-alkali plants. A base case scenario suggests that mercury supply may exceed demand as easily as 2015 with total excess easily arising between 2015 and 2050 possibly amounting to
The goal of this project is to assist the Kyrgyz Republic to transition to more sustainable economic activities over the long term, in light of the future Minamata Convention on Mercury.
Ultimately, limiting mercury supply globally will encourage the transition to alternative technologies in areas where mercury is still used.
A report on the national mercury inventory of sources of production, consumption and mercury-containing waste in the environment of Burkina Faso, written by Desiree Ouedraogo, the National Coordinator of the mercury project in Burkina Faso.
Photos taken during the Inception Workshop. The workshop took place in Bangkok, Thailand, from 4-5 March 2009. The Asian Mercury Storage project inception workshop aimed to reduce the eventual supply of mercury to the biosphere by initiating a regional process that will support the sequestration of excess mercury in the Asian region.
The goal of this project is to assist the Kyrgyz Republic to transition to more sustainable economic activities over the long term, in light of the future Minamata Convention on Mercury. Ultimately, limiting mercury supply globally will encourage the transition to alternative technologies in areas where mercury is still used.
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