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[ French / English ] CNN explique comment les niveaux élevés de mercure présents dans certaines crèmes éclaircissantes pour la peau peuvent affecter la santé des personnes qui les utilisent ainsi que contaminer l'environment de leur maison.


The Global Mercury Partnership organised a webinar on 21 March 2024.The non-ferrous sector is a large anthropogenic source of mercury emissions estimated to account for more than 300 tonnes per year - around 10-15 percent - of global mercury emissions to the atmosphere, the third largest source.

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[ French ] Les amalgames dentaires communément appelés plombage contiennent du mercure, un composé très toxique pour les hommes et pour l'environnement. Les organismes au niveau global (OMS et le Fonds pour l'environnement UN Environment Program) préconisent sa réduction voire son élimination. Découvrez pourquoi à travers cette vidéo.

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The Global Mercury Partnership and its two areas of work on mercury in products and waste management, in cooperation with the World Health Organization, organized an online webinar on 18 December 2023.

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Reinforcing the health sector’s commitment to the implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury: The showcase of GEF-UNEP-WHO projects on mercury-added products


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The Global Mercury Partnership and its Area of work on Mercury in Products, in collaboration with the Clean Lighting Coalition and the Zero Mercury Working Group with the support of the Government of Switzerland organized an

Video Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM)

Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre des projets de « Plan d’Action National (PAN) pour réduire, et si possible, éliminer l’utilisation du mercure dans l’extraction Artisanale et à Petite Echelle de l’or » en Côte d’Ivoire et au Togo en réponse aux article 7 et Annexe C de la Convention de Minamata, un voyage d’étude a été organis

Video Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM)

The Partnership Area on mercury in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining organized an information sharing session on 26 June in an online setting.

Video Coal Combustion, Waste Management

The Partnership Areas of work on Mercury cell Chlor-alkali Production and Mercury Waste Management hosted a joint webinar on the sound management and elimination of mercury and mercury waste in the chlor-alkali sector, on 16 February 2023.

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White lies is a series by CNN's As Equals investigating skin whitening practices worldwide. The series will expose the underlying drivers of colorism, the industry that profits from it and the cost to individuals and communities globally.

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[ Spanish ] This animation shows a conversation between an older woman and young girl named Lucy, regarding the use of an unlabeled cream from Mexico that the niece uses to remove blemishes and lighten her skin.

Video Air Transport and Fate, Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM), Cement Industry, Chlor-alkali, Coal Combustion, Products, Supply and Storage, Waste Management

The Global Mercury Partnership organised an information sharing session on Minamata Initial Assessments (MIAs): latest trends, key findings and data analysis tools, on Tuesday 27 September 2022.

The webinar presented initial analysis of aggregated data from 74 MIA mercury inventories and explored patterns and trends in the data.

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« Pour une couleur de peau », les enfants victimes de la dépigmentation. Video focuses on SLP use on children in Togo and Guinea.

Video Cement Industry

The UNEP Global Mercury Partnership and its Area of work on Mercury Releases from the Cement Industry organized an online technical information-sharing session on 23 June 2022.

The event exchanged on current knowledge about best practices to control and reduce emissions of mercury from the cement sector and shared information on available guidance.

Video Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM)

The UNEP Global Mercury Partnership and its Area of work on Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) organized on 17 June 2021 a webinar to discuss gender mainstreaming into National Action Plans (NAPs).

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In almost every corner of the planet, there's a huge social dividend that comes from being lighter-skinned. Sociologists trace it back centuries to European colonization, slavery and class or caste.

Studies show people with lighter complexions earn more, are less likely to be arrested and, if convicted, serve shorter sentences than people with darker skin.

Video Products

The webinar on mercury-containing medical devices organised on 13 October 2020 by the Products Partnership Area had an attendance of over 100 participants.

Showing 1 - 25 of 47