
Showing 351 - 375 of 413

413 results found

Guidance Chlor-alkali

World Chlorine Council Publications and Guidelines.

Report Partnership Advisory Group

Meeting report of the Global Mercury Partnership Advisory Group (PAG) 1st Meeting, which was held in Geneva, Switzerland from 31 March until 2 April 2009. 

Report Supply and Storage, Waste Management

A report on the national mercury inventory of sources of production, consumption and mercury-containing waste in the environment of Burkina Faso, written by Desiree Ouedraogo, the National Coordinator of the mercury project in Burkina Faso.

Presentation Supply and Storage

Photos taken during the Inception Workshop. The workshop took place in Bangkok, Thailand, from 4-5 March 2009. The Asian Mercury Storage project inception workshop aimed to reduce the eventual supply of mercury to the biosphere by initiating a regional process that will support the sequestration of excess mercury in the Asian region. 

Report Products

Brazil - Status update of mercury devices substitution in the Health Sector in Sao Paulo, February 2009 

Report Supply and Storage

The goal of this project is to assist the Kyrgyz Republic to transition to more sustainable economic activities over the long term, in light of the future Minamata Convention on Mercury.  Ultimately, limiting mercury supply globally will encourage the transition to alternative technologies in areas where mercury is still used.

Report Supply and Storage, Waste Management

Starting in early 2007, three Latin American countries - Chile, Ecuador, and Panama - were selected to participate in a pilot project to provide information on the magnitude of mercury emissions at national level by developing National Mercury Emissions Inventories and linking them to national PRTR systems.

Other Supply and Storage

With the support of the government of Norway, this Project was implemented in the Asia Pacific and the Latin American and Caribbean Region. The objective was to provide relevant information aimed at assisting governments find environmentally sound storage options for projected excess or surplus mercury.

Report Chlor-alkali
Report Chlor-alkali

In response to a recommendation of the UNEP Global Mercury Partnership Advisory Group in 2009, the partnership area has updated a 2004 database of global mercury cell chlorine capacity. According to data compiled, some 100 facilities in 44 nations today have some industrial mercury cell chlorine capacity.

Report Waste Management

[ Spanish ] Manejo De Desechos de y con Contenido de Mercurio

Guidance Chlor-alkali

World Chlorine Council Publications and Guidelines

Report Supply and Storage

This report outlines options for remediation of selected potentially contaminated areas around the Khaidarkan mine site and town, including sludge pond, slag heaps, and tailings pond. Remediation approaches that are sketched out in this document are based on the initial assessment by international and local experts. Remediation measures will have several important benefits.

Report Supply and Storage

This overview document outlines the situation regarding the world’s last known exporting mercury mine at Khaidarkan in southern Kyrgyzstan.

Report Air Transport and Fate

In 2007, the Governing Council requested UNEP to develop a new report (decision 24/3) focused on atmospheric emissions. The information was presented as a summary report for policy makers entitled The Global Atmospheric Mercury Assessment: Sources, Emissions and Transport released in December 2008.

Report Air Transport and Fate

In 2007, the Governing Council requested UNEP to develop a new report (decision 24/3) focused on atmospheric emissions.

Report Products, Supply and Storage

With the goal of constructing and maintaining an overarching and integrated community-wide framework to properly manage mercury and adequately control its adverse environmental impacts, the community strategy describes a range of actions for reducing emissions, reducing supply and demand, and addressing surpluses and reservoirs of mercury. 

Guidance Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM)
Report Products

Administrative Order for the gradual phase-out of mercury in all Philippine health care facilities and institutions.

Report Air Transport and Fate

For the thorough understanding of the atmospheric fate and transport of Hg it is necessary to document and comprehend the distribution and extent of emissions from point sources and from more diffuse sources, whether these are of anthropogenic origin or due to natural sources and processes.

Report Coal Combustion

Summary document of: The report summarizes the regulatory situation regarding mercury emissions in different countries, the status of mercury control technology development, and the cost of emission reduction in coal-fired power plants. Where possible, the economic evaluation includes any increased costs due to changes in waste disposal options for coal-combustion by-products.

Report Coal Combustion

The report summarizes the regulatory situation regarding mercury emissions in different countries, the status of mercury control technology development, and the cost of emission reduction in coal-fired power plants. Where possible, the economic evaluation includes any increased costs due to changes in waste disposal options for coal-combustion by-products.

Guidance Chlor-alkali

World Chlorine Council Publications and Guidelines

Report Waste Management

This report was presented at the Inception Workshop for the Project "Management of Mercury and Mercury-Containing Waste"; which took place on April 4-6 2009 in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

Draft Mercury Inventory Assessment for the Philippines Using UNEP Toolkit

Environmental Management Bureau, April 28, 2008

Report Chlor-alkali

Showing 351 - 375 of 413