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Meet the super pollutants video

Meet the super pollutants

Hydrofluoro Carbon Ilustration Meet the super pollutants Illustration of carbon

Ugly, annoying, destructive. Super pollutants are running wild everywhere you look but can’t see. Warming the planet and wreaking havoc on our health in the process, they’re responsible for 45% of global warming to date.

With your help, we can curb them.

Black Carbon

Black carbon illustration black carbon

Aka ‘Soot’, aka ‘Eww Yuck’. Black Carbon is annoyingly good at absorbing sunlight and heating up the atmosphere. Other hobbies include melting icebergs and causing lung disease.

Hydrofluoro Carbons

Hydrofluoro carbon illustration Hydrofluoro carbons

HFCS are created in labs mainly for use in cooling equipment like air conditioners and refrigerators. So it’s funny that they end up warming the planet as much as they do. Or actually not funny. Not funny at all.


Methane illustration Methane

Can you feel that? Feels like a warming planet with dangerous toxic levels of air pollution. Yup, Methane is one nasty little number. It’s even responsible for the formation of another super pollutant: Tropospheric Ozone.

Tropospheric Ozone

Troposphere Ozone Troposphere Ozone Illustration

The love child of Methane and nitrogen oxide. Tropospheric Ozone is the worst of the worst. Human health, crop yields, climate — nothing is safe.

Now the good news…
Yes, there’s some of that too.

From common sense to impressively ingenuitive, the CCAC have an array of solutions, delivering real, scalable results to clean our air and combat climate change. Smoke Illustration
Illustration of oven

Very much in the common sense camp, simply converting the 2.5 billion households using antiquated energy sources and appliances to modern and efficient ones, we can drastically reduce global warming black carbon. As well as the health issues associated with it.

Illustration of house

We get it, sometimes it’s hot and you just can’t get to a beach. Luckily, newer insulation materials and building designs go a long way in keeping you cool and reducing the need for air conditioning — one of the biggest producers of earth warming hydrofluorocarbons.

illustration of fly

It might sound sci-fi, but Black Soldier Flies can actually process food waste, eliminate methane, and create valuable products along the way. Win-win-win.

illustration of cow

Think of intermittent aeration like intermittent fasting. It gives the waterlogged soil of rice paddies time to drain and recover. And prevents the buildup of microbes that lead to the creation of methane.

We don't have to put up with super pollutants. Now we can

Stop them, smash them, and take back our planet.
But we need your help.


Learn more about Super Pollutants and explore other initiatives.