• 개요

Fifteenth Intergovernmental Meeting of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan

Moscow (Russian Federation), 16-18 November 2010

Resolutions UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 15/12/Annex 1

Resolution 1 

The Fifteenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Approves the report of the Executive Director of UNEP (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 15/3) on the progress in the implementation of NOWPAP activities.

2. Approves also the progress reports of the four Regional Activity Centres of NOWPAP (CEARAC, DINRAC, MERRAC and POMRAC) on the progress in the implementation of NOWPAP during the 2009-2010.

3. Encourages the member states to facilitate and promote the implementation of NOWPAP Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI).

4. Requests RCU and RACs to implement activities of the NOWPAP RAP MALI as scheduled, in close collaboration with relevant organizations, programmes and projects, including NGOs and private sector.

5. Encourages NOWPAP RCU and RACs to continue their efforts to develop partnerships with related organizations, programmes and projects.

Resolution 2 


Recognizing the need to implement current NOWPAP projects and to initiate new activities, Sharing the sense of urgency to address the gap between expenditure and contribution level that has led NOWPAP Trust Fund to the severe budgetary constraints and diminishing NOWPAP activities,

Also recognizing the necessity to increase the total amount of contributions of member states to the NOWPAP Trust Fund to the target amount of US$500,000, as agreed at the 2nd Intergovernmental Meeting,

Taking note of resolutions of the 14 th and previous NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meetings on the necessity to increase the contributions from all NOWPAP member states and also taking note of different positions of member states regarding practical possibilities to increase their contributions,

Complimenting NOWPAP RCU for its efforts on approaching potential donors to seek external funding sources,

The Fifteenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Agrees to the total annual amount of contributions to the NOWPAP Trust Fund in 2011, in order to secure the sustainability of NOWPAP activities, as presented in Table 1.

2. Encourages member states to make their utmost efforts to increase their annual contributions.

3. Urges the member states to pay their unpaid pledges to the Trust Fund as soon as possible.

4. Approves the revised NOWPAP Resource Mobilization Strategy (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 15/10/Rev. 1), while taking into account comments made at the 15th IGM in the execution of the Strategy, and encourages the NOWPAP member states, NOWPAP RCU and RACs, to make utmost efforts to seek additional funding sources (including preparation of project proposals for external funding by RACs and RCU) as well as to utilize the resources available in the most efficient and effective manner.

5. Agrees that the Korean Government prepares a draft paper on possible measures addressing future financial situation of NOWPAP and requests the NOWPAP RCU to circulate it among the member states for their comments and suggestions, and agrees to discuss it at the 16th IGM.

Table 1. Scale of revised contributions

Member States Annual contribution (US$)
PRC 40,000
Japan 125,000
ROK 100,000
Russian Federation 125,000
Total 390,000

Resolution 3


Recalling our common commitment to the Northwest Pacific Action Plan (NOWPAP),

Recognising the necessity to prioritize and improve the efficiency of activities conducted by NOWPAP RACs and RCU, taking into account limited funds available,

Willing to enhance the quality, relevance and public awareness of the activities of NOWPAP,

Recalling the 14th IGM decisions on developing the NOWPAP Medium-term Strategy and on enhancing NOWPAP RCU performance,  

The Fifteenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Requests the RCU to further develop the NOWPAP Medium-term Strategy 2012-2017 for the next IGM, in close collaboration with RACs and member states, taking into account their comments and suggestions to document UNEP/NOWPAP/IG. 15/6.

2. Requests NOWPAP RCU and RACs to work closely on the preparation of the biennium work plan of NOWPAP for 2012-2013 and NOWPAP Medium-term Strategy.

3. Approves the revised NOWPAP Public Awareness Building Strategy (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 15/11/Rev. 1), while taking into account comments raised at the 15th IGM in the execution of the Strategy.

4. Decides to continue discussing the Proposal on Improving the Quality of NOWPAP Technical Reports (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 15/7) at the next IGM.

5. Approves revised Terms of Reference (ToR) for the NOWPAP RCU as presented in the document UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 15/8/Rev. 1 and agrees to further discuss it at the next IGM.