• 개요

Eleventh Intergovernmental Meeting of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan

Moscow (Russian Federation), 20-21 December 2006

Resolutions UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 11/8/Annex I


The Eleventh Intergovernmental Meeting

1. Acknowledging the progress on the implementation of the NOWPAP Marine Litter Activity since its adoption at the Tenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

2. Taking note of the efforts made by NOWPAP RACs and RCU to initiate new directions of work adopted at the Tenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

3. Approves the report of the Executive Director of UNEP on the progress in the implementation of NOWPAP activities,

4. Approves also the reports on the activities of the four Regional Activity Centres of NOWPAP (CEARAC, DINRAC, MERRAC and POMRAC) in 2005-2006,

5. Approves further the revised Terms of Reference for the NOWPAP Regional Coordinating Unit (RCU) and the Focal Points Meetings of CEARAC, MERRAC and POMRAC (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 11/5/1 - 4, revised),

6. Encourages NOWPAP RCU to continue actively developing partnerships with related organizations, programmes and projects in the region,

7. Requests NOWPAP RCU after consultation with member states to hire a consultant to carry out the evaluation of the performance of NOWPAP RACs by making use of possible funds of UNEP Regional Seas Programme (RSP) and, in case UNEP RSP resources are not sufficient, by using up to US$15,000 from NOWPAP budget for 2006- 2007 biennium,

8. Adopts the General NOWPAP Policy on Data and Information Sharing (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 11/7, revised),

9. Requests NOWPAP RCU to prepare a background document for consideration of 12th NOWPAP IGM concerning the rotation of Coordinator and Deputy Coordinator between Toyama and Busan offices according to UNEP(DEC)/NOWPAP/IG.7/10 (Annex III). 



The 11th Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Taking into account the need to implement current NOWPAP projects and to initiate new activities,

2. Recognizing therefore the necessity to increase the total amount of the Trust Fund and contributions from all NOWPAP member states, while making all possible efforts to utilize the resources available in the most efficient and effective manner,

3. Decides to further discuss this issue at the next Intergovernmental Meeting.


The 11th Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Recognizing the importance of the GEF Project concept on addressing land-based activities that affect the marine and coastal environment of the Northwest Pacific region developed by UNEP together with member states and RCU,

2. Requests the member states to submit their endorsement and support letters as soon as possible in order to resubmit the concept to the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Pipeline.