• 개요

Ninth Intergovernmental Meeting of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan

Busan (Republic of Korea), 2-4 November 2004

Resolutions UNEP(DEC)/NOWPAP/IG.9/11/Annex I


A. New Directions for NOWPAP RACs The Ninth Intergovernmental Meeting

1. Approves the report of the Executive Director of UNEP as the Interim Secretariat of NOWPAP on the progress in the implementation of NOWPAP

2. Approves the reports of the Directors of the four Regional Activity Centers (CEARAC, DINRAC, MERRAC, POMRAC) of NOWPAP on the progress in the implementation of NOWPAP during 2004, pending a discussion, at a later stage, on Activity K in the programme of work for DINRAC for 2005.

3. Took note of the Proposal for New Directions for the NOWPAP RACs (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 9/9) presented by UNEP as interim secretariat of NOWPAP with appreciation.

4. Decides to convene an ‘Intersessional Workshop’ for this purpose which will be held around mid2005 in the Republic of Korea. The workshop will be attended by the NOWPAP National Focal Points and experts. Financial support for the travel of two representatives of each country and the secretariat will be bourn by the NOWPAP Trust Fund.

B. Marine litter The Ninth Intergovernmental Meeting

1. Took note of the proposal for the Development of an Activity on the Sustainable Management of Marine litter in the NOWPAP Region (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 9/8) presented by UNEP as interim secretariat of NOWPAP with appreciation.

2. Recognizes the importance and urgent need to establish and develop an activity on Marine Litter in NOWPAP region while avoiding duplications with existing global agreements and through consultations with other international agencies and organizations in the region.

3. Decides that the newly established RCU will take a lead on developing the marine litter activity and that the coordinator of NOWPAP will consult closely with the RACs on how to proceed with this activity.

4. Agrees that a programme of work and appropriate budget for this activity should be developed by the RCU for the next biennium, based on consultations between the NOWPAP Focal Points, the RACs and the planned ‘Intersessional Workshop’, and be presented by the RCU for consideration by Tenth Intergovernmental Meeting.

5. Agrees that this activity will also be discussed during the Intersessional Workshop in 2005. 



The Ninth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Took note of the proposal presented by UNEP on the increased contributions to the NOWPAP Trust Fund (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 9/10).

2. Decides to further discuss this proposal during the Intersessional Workshop in 2005.

3. Agrees to maintain the present level of contributions, with a view to revise this level at a later stage, should a particular need arise.

4. Encourages the members of NOWPAP, the RCU and the Executive Director of UNEP to make efforts to secure funds from sources external to the Trust Fund, including civil society, local government, international and regional organizations and financial institutions.

5. Requests the secretariat, with the understanding by the Members, to make further efforts to maintain the expenditure of NOWPAP at a reasonable level.



The Ninth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Took note of the legal advice presented by UNEP on the nature of the non-binding technical and operational guidelines for the cooperation provided by the NOWPAP Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan.

2. Agrees to conduct further consultations regarding the proposal from Japan on the expansion of geographical coverage of the NOWPAP Regional Oil Spill Contingency Plan (UNEP/NOWPAP/ IG. 9/9).

3. Decides that this proposal will be discussed during the Tenth Intergovernmental Meeting



The Ninth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Took note of the progress made by the secretariat on the development of the GEF proposal “Addressing Land-Based Activities that Affect the Marine and Coastal Environment in the Northwest Pacific Region” (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 9/7.1) with appreciation.

2. Endorsed in principle the concept paper, subject to the request that UNEP DGEF will circulate via e-mail a revised project concept, incorporating the comments and addressing the concerns raised during this meeting.

3. Agreed to formally approve, via e-mail, the revised concept paper at an early date. 4. Requests UNEP and the RCU to further proceed with the work on this proposal by submitting the concept paper to the GEF for approval.