• 개요

Fifth Intergovernmental Meeting of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan

Incheon (Republic of Korea), 29-30 March 2000

Resolutions UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 5/6/Annex V1


The Fifth Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based on the Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment for the Northwest Pacific Region(Northwest Pacific Action Plan, NOWPAP) adopted at the First Intergovernmental Meeting, as well as Resolution 1 of the First Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based also on Resolution 2 of the Second intergovernmental Meeting and Resolution 1 of the Third and the Fourth Intergovernmental Meetings,

Noting the progress made in the implementation of the six priority projects in the workplan for the 1999/2000 biennium,

Recognizing the willingness of International and regional organizations to assist in implementation of priority projects,

Taking into consideration the experiences in the implementation of the workplan for the 1999-2000 biennium 1.

Approves the workplan and Budget for the rescheduled 2000/2001 Biennium and emphasizes the importance of carrying out the workplan as scheduled. 2.

Requests the member States of NOWPAP to give an interim mandate to the NOWPAP/1 Coordinating Working Group and NOWPAP/3 Coordinating Committee and Working groups, and to decide their terms of Reference at the Sixth Intergovernmental Meeting. 3.

Decides to further study and review the proposals for the implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities and Integrated Coastal Area Planning and Management, recognizing the importance of those issues; and request UNEP, in cooperation with GEF, to present relevant proposals at the Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting for consideration. 4.

Further encourages the member states of NOWPAP, which host workshops and meetings to provide possible technical and financial assistance for their organizations. 


The Fifth Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based on the Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region (Northwest Pacific Action Plan, NOWPAP), adopted at the First Intergovernmental Meeting, as well as Resolution 2 of the First Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based also on Resolution 2 of the Fourth Intergovernmental Meeting,

Noting the arrangements made by the Executive Director of UNEP for secretariat support for implementation of the Action Plan,

Noting also the information provided for establishment of Regional Activity Center (RAC) network and a Regional Coordination Unit (RCU),

Recognizing the willingness of international and regional organizations to assist in implementation of priority projects, 

1. Requests the Executive Director of UNEP to conclude necessary arrangements with the designated Regional Activity Centres and further requests him to put the RACs, backbone organs of the network, on track and try to make systematic organized networks of RACs as early as possible. 

2. Decides also to establish a Regional Coordinating Unit in the near future and requests the Executive-Director of UNEP to initiate steps for creating the necessary professional and general service staff posts. 

3. Requests the Executive Director of UNEP to continuously function as interim secretariat for implementation of the Action P1an until such a time as an RCU for NOWPAP is established.

4. Urges the member States of NOWPAP to continue to provide any possible support for UNEP to fulfill its function as the interim secretariat 5.Decides that the following steps should be taken:

STEP 1: Within five months of conclusion of the Fifth Intergovernmental Meeting, each member state will be given an opportunity to submit to UNEP a letter of offer to host the RCU in its country. The letter should include the elements as contained in paragraph 29 of document UNEP/NOWPAP IG.5/5. Additional information will be submitted in time for the Sixth Intergovernmental Meeting.

STEP 2: The Sixth Intergovernmental Meeting (scheduled for November/December 2000 in Japan) will review the offers from the member State(s) in order to judge the financial and technical feasibility of the establishment and operation of the RCU at the proposed location. The same Intergovernmental Meeting is requested to decide on the location, based on the comparison of the offers as well as in accordance with the rules and regulation of the UNEP Governing Council.

STEP 3: The NOWPAP member State(s), which is(are) also member(s) of the UNEP Governing Council, will submit, on behalf of the NOWPAP member States, a draft decision to the twenty-first session of the Governing Council in 2001 for the establishment of an RCU within the UNEP regular Programme for the 2002/2003 biennium. Once the Governing Council decision is taken, UNEP will enter into negotiation with the host state for a host government agreement.

STEP 4: The Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting in Russia (scheduled in 2001) will review the progress made in the establishment of the RCU.

6. Bearing in mind that NOWPAP is based on close cooperation and common understanding among participating countries, encourages the member States to make every effort to reach consensus, including the development of possible options.

7. Approves the Terms of Reference of the RCU contained in Annex I to document UNEP/NOWPAP IG.5/5.

8. Requests the Executive Director of UNEP to convene the Sixth Intergovernmental Meeting November or December in 2000 in Japan.


The Fifth Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based on the Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and 43 Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region (Northwest Pacific Action Plan. NOWPAP), adopted at the First Intergovernmental Meeting, as well as Resolution 3 of the First Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based also on Resolution 3 of the Fourth Intergovernmental Meeting,

Recognizing the desire of the member States of NOWPAP for a prompt, efficient and cost-effective implementation of priority projects in support of the Action Plan,

Recognizing also the need of the member states to reduce the undistributed percentage in the contribution scale,

Encouraging the member States to make their efforts to cooperate with the environmental-related international bodies, local governments, private sectors and citizens to reduce the financial burden of the member States and in support of the objectives of NOWPAP,

1.Reaffirms that the sum of US$500,000 should be the total targeted contribution per year to NOWPAP activities, and that the member States are requested to make contributions to the Trust Fund as sincerely as possible.

2.Confirms that a scale of contribution to the NOWPAP Trust Fund from the member States is comprised of a Basic contribution and an additional contribution. The Basic contribution reflects the sense of common participation and shared responsibility of all the participating States.

3. Decides to endorse the following tentative scale of contributions to the Trust Fund for activities in 2000: 

Country Basic Additional Total
Japan 5 20 125,000
PRC 5 3 40,000
ROK 5 15 100,000
Russian Federation 5 5 50,000
Total 20 43 315,000

4. Urges the member States to review the current scale of contribution before the Sixth Intergovernmental Meeting, and to make efforts to increase their contributions.

5. Urges also the member States and the Executive Director of UNEP to make all possible efforts to secure funds from sources external to the Trust Fund, including private sectors, local governments, international and regional organizations and financial institutions. 44

6. Approves the following NOWPAP Trust Fund budget for the 2000-2001 Biennium: 

Summary of the Proposed Budget for NOWPAP 2000-2001




the 1999


2000 -  budget   2001 - budget Amount

TF 36,000

TF 28,000 TF 86,000 TF 150,000
NOWPAP/2  TF5,000     TF 5,000 
NOWPAP/3 TF 45,000 TF 30,000 EF 9,000 TF 120,000 EF,13,00 TF195,000 EF 22,000
NOWPAP/4   TF 80,000 TF 40,000 TF 120,000

NOWPAP/5  or

coordination of Regional Activity Centre

  TF 40,000 TF 70,000 TF 110,000
Meeting of Experts and National Focal Points      TF 5,000 TF 5,000
Sub-Total TF 86,000 TF 178,000 EF 9,000 TF 321,000 EF 13,000 TF 585,000
13% of the sub-total as Programme support Cost TF 11,180  TF 23,140 TF 41,730 TF 76,050


TF 97,180

EF 0


TF 201,140

EF 9,000


TF 326,730

EF 13,000


TF 661,050

EF 22,000


 TF= Trust Fund             EF= Environment Fund

7. Requests the Governing Council of UNEP at its 21st session to extend the duration of the NOWPAP Trust Fund through 2003.

8. Approves the NOWPAP budget for 2000-2001 biennium as follows:

USD 661,050 2000-2001 Workplan contained in Annex I
  200,000  Co-financing for GEF PDF B project on LBS
  100,000 APossible GEF PDF-B Project to be considered at the Sixth Intergovernmental Meeting
  100,000 Operating Reserve
  150,000 RCU professional and general service staff (2001)
Total 1,211,050