• 개요

Nineteenth Intergovernmental Meeting of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan  

Moscow (Russian Federation), 20-22 October 2014

Resolutions UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 19/12/Rev. 1/Annex 1

Resolution 1 

Acknowledging RACs and RCU efforts in implementing the NOWPAP activities in 2013 and 2014,

Recognizing the importance of the regional approach to protecting the shared marine environment and sustainable management of natural resources by engaging neighbouring countries in comprehensive and specific regional actions,

Taking note that implementation of the 2014-2015 NOWPAP Programme of Work (PoW) was delayed due to late approval of budget for 2014,

The Nineteenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Approves the Report of the Executive Director of UNEP (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 19/3) on the progress of the implementation of NOWPAP activities during the 2013-2014 biennium,

2. Approves the reports of the four Regional Activity Centres of NOWPAP (CEARAC, DINRAC, MERRAC and POMRAC) on the progress of the implementation of NOWPAP Programme of Work during the 2013-2014 biennium,

3. [Approves the NOWPAP Budget for 2015 as shown in Table 1 (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 19/7),]

4. Requests RAC directors, in consultation with their Focal Points, to implement the NOWPAP 2014-2015 Programme of Work in accordance with the quarterly milestones set in their respective work plans,

5. Requests NOWPAP RCU, within its current capacity, to facilitate the implementation of the NOWPAP 2014-2015 Programme of Work by providing coordination, support and assistance to the RACs,

6. Encourages NOWPAP RCU and RACs to continue their best efforts to develop and maintain partnerships with related organizations, programmes and projects.

7. Decides to consider at the 2 0 t h Intergovernmental Meeting in 2015 the status of implementation of the NOWPAP Medium-term Strategy 2012-2017 (mid-term review). 

Table 1. NOWPAP workplan and budget for the 2014-2015 biennium 

Activity Responsibility for implementation  

Biennium budget

(US$ 1,000) 

Approved 2014 budget

(US$ 1,000) 

2015 budget

(US$ 1,000) 

CEARAC CEARAC 125 62.5 62.5
DINRAC DINRAC 125 62.5 62.5
MERRAC MERRAC 125 62.5 62.5
POMRAC POMRAC 125 62.5 62.5
RAP MALI RCU and RACs 70 35.0 35.0
Public Awareness  RCU and RACs, 20th Anniversary Commemorative Symposium  29 14.5 14.5
Coordination of RACs  RCU 16 8.0 8.0
Implementation of NOWPAP RCU 83 41.5 41.5
RCU Operation  RCU 78 39.0 39.0
Resource Mobilization  RCU and RACs  20 10.0 10.0
Sub-total    796 398.0 398.0
Programme Support Cost (13% of the sub-total)   104 52.0 52.0
Total   900 450.0 450.0


Recognizing the need to initiate new activities while implementing current NOWPAP projects,

Also recognizing the necessity to increase the total amount of contributions of member states to the NOWPAP Trust Fund to the target amount of US$ 500,000, as agreed at the 2nd Intergovernmental Meeting,

The Nineteenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Agrees to the contributions to the NOWPAP Trust Fund in 2015, as presented in Table 2.

2. Encourages NOWPAP member states to make their utmost efforts to increase their annual contributions to meet the target amount of US$ 500,000.

3. Encourages NOWPAP member states and NOWPAP RACs to continue seeking additional funding and in-kind contributions to support NOWPAP activities, particularly in line with NOWPAP MTS 2012-2017.

4. Agrees that the financial rules and procedures for the funds of NOWPAP (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 19/8/Rev. 1), after taking into account comments from member states, are to be approved by correspondence before the 20th NOWPAP IGM.

5. Agrees to establish working capital reserve for the PNL fund (NOWPAP activities) and two QNL funds (staffing costs) starting from 2016-2017 biennium.

Table 2. Scale of contributions for 2015 

Member States Annual contribution (USD)
PRC 100,000
Japan  125,000
ROK 125,000
Russian Federation 125,000
Total 475,000


Taking note of the discussion on possible measures to address the financial situation of NOWPAP at the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th IGM,

Recalling the decision of the 1st Extraordinary IGM to discuss functions of new posts for the two RCU offices in order to conclude discussion on appropriate measures regarding financial sustainability of the RCU offices,

Taking note that the Governments of Japan and Korea, in consultation with UNEP, have worked out the option for RCU offices restructuring shown in Table 3,

The Nineteenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. [Requests UNEP to provide all member states with information on cost implications and chan ges in the functions of staff of RCU offices by 1 November 2014 and job descriptions for new RCU posts by 1 January 2015,]

2. [Agrees in principle to consider the proposal on restructuring of the NOWPAP RCU, [as show n in Table 3], job descriptions and cost implications as mentioned in para 1, to be provided by UNEP, before adopting final decision on this issue,]

3. [Agrees to have an extraordinary IGM in the first quarter of 2015 in Korea.] 

Table 3. Suggested RCU structure 

Toyama RCU office  Busan RCU office 
P4 Coordinator P3 Programme Officer 
G6 Programme Assistant G4 Team Assistant