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Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan

Vladivostok (Russian Federation), 20-22 March 2002

Resolutions UNEP(DEC)/NOWPAP/IG.7/10/Annex IV


Noting the progress made in the implementation of the priority projects in the work program for 2000/2001,

Taking into consideration the experiences from the work plan for the 2000/2001 biennium, and aware of the shortcomings in its implementation and the need to accelerate the process of implementation of NOWPAP activities,

Recognizing the work of the Regional Activity Centers and other organizations currently implementing part of the NOWPAP priority activities in the region, locally nationally and regionally

The Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting

1. Approves the report of the Executive Director of UNEP on the progress in the implementation of NOWPAP and the reports of the Directors of NOWPAP Regional Activity Centers for 2001.

2. Approves the Work plan and Budget for the 2002/2003 biennium as presented in Table 1 and emphasizes the importance of carrying out the work plan as scheduled.

3. Encourages members, projects and Regional Activity Centers to implement the projects efficiently and according to the work plan.

4. Requests the Executive Director and the Directors of NOWPAP Regional Activity Centers to implement NOWPAP activities according to the modalities presented during the meeting.

5. Requests the Secretariat to disburse the allocated budgets from the Trust Fund to the activity centers according to UNEP procedures, as soon as possible as the biennium has already started.

6. Requests UNEP to facilitate the implementation of work by providing programmatic support as well as administrative and practical assistance to the RACs and the RCU, which is to be established.

7. Encourages the members of NOWPAP to make efforts to establish partnerships and cooperate with relevant international bodies, local governments and civil society in activities related to the implementation of NOWPAP.

Table 1. NOWPAP Budget and Work plan for 2002-2003 in US$ 

Activity 2002 2003 Total for the Biennium
NOWPAP1 – DINRAC Database and Information 55,000 70,000 125,000
NOWPAP 2 – RCU Survey of Nat’l Legislation 5000   5000


WG 1- Atmospheric deposition

WG 2 – Rivers and direct inputs 

55,000 70,000 125,000


WG 3 - HAB & monitoring coastal waters

WG 4 – Remote sensing

New techniques

55,000 70,000 125,000
NOWPAP 4 – MERRAC Oil spill prep. & response 90,000 105,000 195,000
NOWPAP 6 – RCU Public Awareness 10,000 15,000 25,000
NOWPAP 7 – RCU Land Based Activities 55,000 65,000 120,000
Co-ordination of RACs – RCU 25,000 30,000 55,000
Implementation of NOWPAP – RCU 35,000 43,000 78,000
Operation of RCU 60,000 60,000 120,000
Subtotal 445,000 528,000 973,000
13% of the sub-total as Programme Support Cost 58,000 69,000 127,000
Total 503,000 597,000 1,100,000

Remark - Assuming the use of US$1.25 million accumulated as savings in the Trust Fund on an average rate of US$ 230,000 per year, in addition to constant income of $ 315,000 per year from contributions. 



Recognizing the regional need for prompt, efficient and cost-effective implementation of priority projects in support of the Action Plan,

Noting the need for sound financing of activities under the Work Plan of NOWPAP as key to successful implementation, Recognizing the need to secure a sustainable funding mechanism through an effective resource mobilization system,

Commending the pledges and payments made by the members for the past biennium but aware of the fluctuating economy of the region and the effect thereof on the capacity of the members to contribute financially

The Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Decides to maintain the level of contribution of previous years, with a view to revise this at a later stage should a particular need arise.

2. Endorses the following tentative scale of contributions to the Trust Fund for activities in 2002.

Country % Additional % TOTAL (US$)
Japan 5 20 125,000
China 5 3 40,000
ROK 5 15 100,000
Russian Federation 5 5 50,000
Total 20 43 315,000

3. Recognizes the pledges made for 2002 and encourages the members of NOWPAP to pledge the same amounts for 2003.

4. Encourages the members of NOWPAP and the Executive Director of UNEP to make all possible efforts to secure funds from sources external to the Trust Fund, including civil society, local government, international and regional organizations and financial institutions in order to reduce the financial burden of the members.



Recognizing the need for structural changes in the institutional framework of NOWPAP for improving the effectiveness of project implementation

Taking into account the proposal made by UNEP as regards to the allocation of new responsibilities and activities to the Regional Activity Centers (RAC), the need to move from a project-based implementation of activities to RAC and RCU-based activities, and to establish strong structural elements in NOWPAP in order to improve the efficiency of its work

Considering the opportunity of establishing partnerships and joint activities with international organizations, other Regional Seas programs, and civil society

Welcoming the kind offers made by Japan and Republic of Korea to co-host the RCU in Toyama and Pusan respectively

Acknowledging UNEPs experience and input to the evolution process of the institutional arrangements of NOWPAP

Acknowledging the need for co-ordination between RACs and Projects for implementation of activities in a timely manner, and the fact that the RCU is yet to be established

Noting the variation in the success of the RACs in implementing the NOWPAP projects in accordance with the work plan as well as the different mandates they operate under

Aware of the need to establish regional contacts for each RAC, in view of strengthening the regional nature of the activities assigned to the RACs

Recognizing the need for an intermediate co-ordination and communication between the Intergovernmental Meetings, Projects and Regional Activity Centers as well as the future RCU;

Further recognizing the need for a technical/experts group for the development of proposals and preparation of strategies, documents and activities that should meet more often than the IGM

Noting that these intermediate groups are common in many Regional Seas Programs, from which model examples can be taken

Aware that a similar structure was underway in the NOWPAP region through the focal points meeting for activities established during the NOWPAP/1, 3 and 4 Meetings in China in May 2001, but that this body did not get endorsement for operation

The Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting

1. Welcomes the proposal by UNEP for the institutional arrangements of NOWPAP in document UNEP/NOWPAP IG.7/8, and recognizes that it should be implemented through an evolutionary process.

2. Decides, however, to postpone the practical implementation of these changes to a period after the establishment of the RCU, subject to further decisions of future Intergovernmental Meetings.

3. Calls upon UNEP, acting as Interim Secretariat of NOWPAP to further develop this document as the base for the development/restructuring of the action plan, in consultation with all members. 

4. Decides to consider, until the next Intergovernmental Meeting, the establishment of the NOWPAP Experts Forum which will serve as a high-level intermediate body between the IGM and the operational 

5. Requests the Interim Secretariat of NOWPAP to guide, supervise and coordinate the activities of the RACs in view of implementation of the biennial work plan until the RCU is operational

6. Approves the demarcation of the responsibilities and activities between CEARAC and POMRAC as presented by the secretariat in document UNEP/NOWPAP IG.7/8 and requests the Executive Director to allocate different budgets for their activities as reflected in the work plan, and to revise the Memorandum of Understanding between UNEP and the respective RACs, including their Terms of Reference

7. Approves the modalities and terms of reference of Focal Points and Working Groups of various NOWPAP RACs and projects

8. Requests the Directors of the RACs and the secretariat to establish appropriate Fora of National Focal Points for each RAC and calls upon the NOWPAP members to facilitate the establishment of such fora by a timely nomination of relevant focal points, upon the request of the secretariat and the directors of the RACs



Noting the arrangements made by the Executive Director of UNEP for support NOWPAP in the implementation of its activities Recognizing the undertakings of the Government of Japan and the Republic of Korea to ensure the availability of necessary facilities and conditions to enable a Regional Co-ordinating Unit (RCU) to perform its functions as a part of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Taking note of the Governing Council Decision 21/30 on the implementation of the Northwest Pacific Action plan, 9 February 2001,

The Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting

1. Agrees to the detailed plan (Annex IV Report of the Meeting) submitted by the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea to UNEP and the NOWPAP members

2. Calls upon the Executive Director of UNEP to urgently embark on recruiting the staff for the Regional Co-ordinating Unit co-hosted in Toyama, Japan and Pusan, Republic of Korea, according to the request of the NOWPAP members at this meeting

3. Urges UNEP and the host countries to finalize the host country arrangements

4. Request the Executive Director to take any other necessary action for timely, in-practice establishment of the RCU as a part of UNEP in Toyama, Japan and Pusan, Republic of Korea

5. Requests UNEP to advertise the vacancy announcements in accordance with

Table 2 and the summary descriptions of the positions of the RCU Table 2. Interim responsibilities of the two offices of the RCU* 

NOWPAP RCU Office Toyama Office Busan Office

· Coordinator P-5

· Information/Data & Finance Management Officer P-3

· Administrative Assistant G-6/7

· Deputy Co-ordinator P-4

· Scientific and Technical Officer P-3

· Administrative Assistant G-6/7

Interim Responsibilities

· Monitoring and Assessment

· Finance and Resource Mobilization

· Publications and Public Awareness

· Data and Information Management

· Environmental Management

· Capacity Building

· Legal Aspects

· Marine Pollution Preparedness and response

· Land Based Activities

Responsibility for NOWPAP Activities

NOWPAP 1 – Data & Information Management

NOWPAP 3 – Monitoring

NOWPAP 6 – Public Awareness 

NOWPAP 2 – Survey of Legislation

NOWPAP 4 – Marine Pollution Preparedness & Response

NOWPAP 7 - Land Based Activities

* The Co-ordinator and Deputy co-ordinator will prepare a plan and vision on a permanent demarcation of responsibilities of the two offices, for approval by the next IGM 

Summary description of the Positions at the RCU

Co-ordinator (P-5) – Toyama, Japan The Coordinator will be responsible for the overall management of the NOWPAP RCU and the implementation and co-ordination of NOWPAP activities and UNEP/NOWPAP projects. The Coordinator develops policies and strategies for the protection, management and development of the marine and coastal environment of the Northwest Pacific region and assists member Governments in the formulation of regional and national environmental programs including the initiation of new protocols. He/she will exercise the overall supervision of the administration of the NOWPAP RCU and is responsible for the financial management, resource mobilization, public awareness, monitoring, and data and information management of NOWPAP activities. He/she will represent the UNEP Executive Director in regional meetings and will conduct high-level diplomatic consultations for the implementation of NOWPAP.

Deputy Coordinator (P-4) – Pusan, Korea The Deputy Coordinator will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the NOWPAP RCU in Pusan, including substantive activities for the co-ordination of NOWPAP activities specific to the Pusan office and for the implementation of UNEP/NOWPAP projects appointed to the Pusan office and specifically related to marine pollution and Land Based Activities (LBA). The Deputy Coordinator will participate in developing policies and strategies for the protection, management and development of the marine and coastal environment of the Northwest Pacific region. He/she will exercise the overall supervision of the scientific and technical related activities, to the legal aspects of NOWPAP activities and the scientific information and data banks under the responsibility of Pusan office, and will encourage intergovernmental, governmental and non-governmental institutions to participate in the NOWPAP activities, in consultation with the Coordinator. The deputy Coordinator will represent UNEP and NOWPAP at meetings and in different fora.

Scientific and Technical Officer (P-3), Pusan, Korea Under the guidance and supervision of the Deputy Co-ordinator, the Scientific and Technical Officer will participate in the planning, co-ordination and implementation of NOWPAP scientific and technical programs and activities and evaluate and follow up the related activities carried out by the member Governments, participating institutions, UN Agencies, and NOWPAP Regional Activity Centers (RACs). He/she will develop projects within approved budgets and program priorities in the form of the project documents, and co-ordinate and monitor the projects in their implementation. He/she will negotiate with Government authorities and stakeholders in order to establish a program of work on the scientific and technical aspects of NOWPAP activities under the responsibility of Pusan office, such as Marine Pollution, Land based Activities (LBA), scientific information and data management and related activities. The Scientific and Technical Officer will plan, negotiate with Government officials and co-ordinate programs on Marine Pollution Preparedness and response and LBA.

Data / Information and Finance Management Officer (P3), Toyama, Japan Under the guidance and supervision of the Co-ordinator, the Data/Information and Finance Management Officer will assist in the planning, co-ordination and implementation of NOWPAP programs and activities, and evaluate and follow up the related activities carried out by the member Governments, participating institutions, UN Agencies, and NOWPAP Regional Activity Centers (RACs). He/she will be responsible for co-ordination of preparations and dissemination of information, resource mobilization for the programs and activities, accounting assignments and certain administrative, personnel and fund management assignments, monitoring, data and information management, and will prepare strategies for mobilizing additional resources and support for the programs of NOWPAP. He/she will supervise the financial management of projects supported by the Environment fund and the NOWPAP Trust Fund managed by UNEP. He/she will communicate regularly with member countries to discuss with government focal points and national experts to gather scientific and technical information on their participation in and the implementation of the programs and projects and will prepare information material on NOWPAP activities, including scientific/technical and public outreach materials. 

Locally recruited Secretary in each of the offices (equivalent of G 6/7 in the UN), Toyama, Japan and Pusan, Korea. Under the guidance and supervision of the Co-ordinator and Deputy Co-ordinator, the incumbent is responsible for providing secretarial support services, as well as assist in accounting and travel-related assignments and certain administrative, personnel and fund management assignments.



Noting the progress made in the development of the GEF PDF-B Proposal entitled ‘Strategic Action Program for the Northwest Pacific Region for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities’

Aware that the proposal is still under development, in a consultation phase and under review of NOWPAP members Recognizing the partially common aims and objectives of the proposed PDF-B proposal and the NOWPAP/7 project on land based sources of pollution

Acknowledging the GEF and the GPA for their significant contribution to the development of similar activities in other regions through direct support and provision of expertise and guidelines

The Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Requests the Executive Director of UNEP and the GEF to take all necessary action to finalize the proposal, in full consultation with the NOWPAP members and the GPA, for submission to the GEF Secretariat as soon as possible,

2. Calls upon the NOWPAP members to fully participate in the finalization of the proposal and take the necessary steps for its implementation, particularly in providing significant co-financing to the project

3. Decides to convene a meeting for the finalization of the proposal as part of the activities under NOWPAP/7