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Sixth Intergovernmental Meeting of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan

Tokyo (Japan), 5-6 December 2000 

Resolutions UNEP/NOWPAP IG.6/8/Annex III



The Sixth Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based on the Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment for the Northwest Pacific Region (Northwest Pacific Action Plan, NOWPAP) adopted at the First Intergovernmental Meeting, as well as Resolution 1 of the First Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based also on Resolution 2 of the Second Intergovernmental Meeting and Resolution 1 of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Intergovernmental Meetings,

Noting that the implementation of the priority projects in the work programme for the 2000/2001 biennium is ongoing, Considering that the protection of the marine and coastal environment of the Northwest Pacific region against land-based activities constitutes a fundamental component of NOWPAP, as well as the role of the Regional Seas Programme as the main mechanism for the implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA),

Noting the documentation related to the first GPA Intergovernmental Review which will take place in November 2001, hosted by Canada, submitted to the present meeting by the UNEP/GPA Coordination Office, and the need to provide substantive contributions and coordinate actions dealing with land-based activities in the Northwest Pacific region as a regional preparatory process from the Northwest Pacific region leading to such an Intergovernmental Review Meeting,

Recalling the goals and objectives of NOWPAP to manage the coastal and marine resources in a wise manner in order to obtain the utmost long-term benefits for human populations while protecting human health, ecological integrity and the region's sustainability for future generations, and

Recognizing that fisheries is an important resource of the region and their sustainable management that also ensures ecosystem integrity and protection is needed in this region as well as globally, 

1. Decides to establish and implement a new project, NOWPAP/7 on the “Assessment and Management of Land-based activities” within the NOWPAP programme framework, and to this end, requests UNEP, particularly through a coordinated effort between the Division of Environmental Conventions and the GPA Coordination Office, to provide the necessary technical and human support, as appropriate, to develop NOWPAP/7 for consideration at the Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting with a view to incorporating it into the 2002/2003 work programme. Initial activities should concentrate on the finalization of the GEF PDF-B proposal for the NOWPAP Region on land-based sources of pollution. Future expansion of activities may be considered taking into account proposals and developments in the field of land-based activities.

2. Endorses the recommendations emanating from the Third Global Meeting of Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans (Monaco, 6-11 November 2000) and notes, in particular, those pertaining to the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities and the closer integration of the Regional Seas Programmes with UNEP/NOWPAP IG.6/L.1 Page 26 the implementation of the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) and its regional components.

3. Agrees to participate and contribute to the preparatory process leading up to the First Intergovernmental Review Meeting on the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities, and to this end and given the time lag expected for the finalisation of the GEF PDF B proposal on land-based activities,:

4. Decides to initiate the following activities, facilitated through a coordinated effort between the Division of Environmental Conventions and the GPA Coordination Office as means of providing the expected inputs from the NOWPAP region, and serving as precursor bridging activity until the initiation of the PDF B proposal: 

(i) Preparation of a regional report on land-based sources and activities/action needed at the national and regional level to protect the regions' marine and coastal environment. This diagnostic should be done on the basis of national existing data and information, and will review for each of the thematic areas which are the focus of the GPA Intergovernmental Review (i.e., binding and non-binding agreements at the national and regional level, voluntary agreements and involvement of the private sector, capacity-building, and innovative financing and use of economic instruments), among others, the following:

(a) state of affairs;

(b) factors contributing to successes and shortcomings;

(c) identification of barriers and opportunities for implementation; and

(d) needs and possibilities for further action.

The regional report should include recommendations on priority activities and projects in the Northwest Pacific to be incorporated in the NOWPAP/GPA work programme to be considered at the GPA Intergovernmental Review meeting.

(ii) The identification of one or more regional or sub-regional existing projects/initiated, which could serve as illustrative examples of current or innovative approaches to address landbased activities in the NOWPAP. Such project or projects may reflect engagement of Governments and other sectors of society (promoting new partnerships) and should include the evaluation and assessment of benefits and lessons learned with regard to collaboration/partnerships with the private sector and other sectors of society on initiatives related to land-based activities.

5. Requests UNEP to further develop, taking into account the discussions and comments of the Consultative Workshop on GEF Project Proposals for the Northwest Pacific Region held on 4 December 2000, and in cooperation with the UNEP/GEF Coordination Office, the GPA Coordination Office, as well as other partners as appropriate, the project concept on "Formulation of Strategic Action Programme for the Northwest Pacific Region to Address Pollution of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities" and on "Ecosystem-based Management of Fisheries in the Northwest Pacific" as GEF PDF-B proposals for further consideration at the Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting.

6. Reaffirms the importance of implementing the 2000/2001 work programme as scheduled and requests UNEP and the relevant Regional Activity Centres (RACs) to lead the implementation of activities in order to ensure their timely completion.

7. Further requests the member States to provide the necessary support and assistance in facilitating the implementation of the activities under the 2000/2001 work programme. 


The Sixth Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based on the Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region (Northwest Pacific Action Plan, NOWPAP), adopted at the First Intergovernmental Meeting, as well as Resolution 2 of the First Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based also on Resolution 2 of the Fourth Intergovernmental Meeting and Resolution 2 of the Fifth Intergovernmental Meeting,

Noting the arrangements made by the Executive Director of UNEP for secretariat support for implementation of the Action Plan,

1. Welcomes the offers of the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea to host the Regional Coordinating Unit (RCU) of NOWPAP in Toyama and Pusan, respectively.

2. Takes note of the subsequent agreement of the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea to prepare to co-host the Regional Coordinating Unit (RCU) of NOWPAP in Toyama and Pusan.

3. Invites the Governments of Japan and the Republic of Korea, to continue consultations on the co-hosting of the RCU and come up with detailed modalities to co-host the RCU, in consultation with People’s Republic of China and the Russian Federation, and with UNEP, and submit a detailed plan to NOWPAP member States not later than 8 January 2001. Each NOWPAP member State would have one month period from the date of receipt to examine this detailed plan immediately prior to the Twenty-first Session of the UNEP Governing Council (5-9 February 2001).

4. Agrees in principle, to establish the NOWPAP Regional Coordinating Unit (RCU) in both locations, Toyama and Pusan, reflecting a co-hosting arrangement for a single RCU, subject to confirmation of all member States, on the basis of their review of the detailed plan referred to in paragraph 3 above. The arrangement of the RCU will be periodically reviewed for improvement and strengthening of its operation.

5. Requests each member State to provide confirmation, as soon as possible, of their approval to the proposal to co-host the Regional Coordinating Unit of NOWPAP in two locations, so that the consensus of the NOWPAP region could be conveyed to the Twentyfirst Session of the UNEP Governing Council through the presentation of a draft decision on this matter.

6. Further requests the Executive Director of UNEP to continue to function as the interim secretariat for implementation of the NOWPAP until the RCU is established and urges the member States of NOWPAP to continue to provide any possible support for UNEP to fulfil its function as the interim secretariat.

7. Requests the Executive Director of UNEP to convene the Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting in November - December 2001 in the Russian Federation. 


The Sixth Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based on the Action Plan for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Northwest Pacific Region (Northwest Pacific Action Plan-NOWPAP), adopted at the First Intergovernmental Meeting, as well as Resolution 3 of the First Intergovernmental Meeting,

Based also on Resolution 3 of the Fifth Intergovernmental Meeting, Noting that the implementation of the priority projects the work programme for the 2000/2001 biennium, with the approved budget, is on-going,

Recognizing the desire of the member States of NOWPAP for a prompt, efficient and costeffective implementation of priority projects in support of the Action Plan,

Recognizing also the need of the member States to reduce the undistributed percentage in the contribution scale,

Encouraging the member States to make their efforts to cooperate with the environmental-related international bodies, local governments, private sectors and citizens to reduce the financial burden of the member States and in support of the objectives of NOWPAP,

1. Reaffirms that the sum of US$500,000 should be the total targeted contribution per year to NOWPAP activities, and that the member States are requested to make contributions to the Trust Fund as sincerely as possible.

2. Confirms that a scale of contribution to the NOWPAP Trust Fund from the member States is comprised of a Basic contribution and an additional contribution. The Basic contribution reflects the sense of common participation and shared responsibility of all the participating States.

3. Decides to endorse the following tentative scale of contributions to the Trust Fund for activities in 2001: 

Country % Additional Percent Total (US$)
Japan 5 20 125,000
PRC 5 3 40,000
ROK 5 15 100,000
Russian Federation 5 5 50,000
Total 20 43 315,000

4. Urges the member States to review the current scale of contribution before the Seventh Intergovernmental Meeting, and to make efforts to increase their contributions.

5. Urges also the member States and the Executive Director of UNEP to make all possible efforts to secure funds from sources external to the Trust Fund, including private sectors, local governments, international and regional organizations and financial institutions.

6. Requests the Governing Council of UNEP at its 21st session, through the Executive Director, to extend the duration of the NOWPAP Trust Fund through 2003.