09 Apr 2007 Story Oceans & seas

2nd NOWPAP Workshop on Marine Litter and 2nd Marine Litter Activity Working Meeting

The Second NOWPAP Workshop on Marine Litter was held in Toyama, Japan on 28-29 March 2007 where 90 participants including representatives of the NOWPAP member states, East Asian Seas Regional Coordinating Unit and a UNEP/FAO consultant attended. During the workshop, 19 presentations were made under the six topics; 1) countermeasures against marine litter; 2) reduction and prevention of marine litter; 3) fisheries-related marine litter in the NOWPAP region; 4) costal cleanup and marine litter monitoring; 5) marine litter management policies and systems; and 6) regional actions against marine litter. In conjunction with the workshop, the Second MALITA Working Meeting was held on 30 March 2007 to review the current progress on the MALITA implementation and to discuss further steps to be taken.