• Overview

Eighteenth Intergovernmental Meeting of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan

Toyama (Japan), 4-6 December 2013

Resolutions UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 18/12/Annex 1

Resolution 1 

Acknowledging RACs and RCU efforts in implementing the NOWPAP 2012-2013 Programme of Work (PoW),

Recognizing the importance of the regional approach to protecting the shared marine environment and sustainable management of natural resources by engaging neighbouring countries in comprehensive and specific regional actions,

Recognizing also the need to initiate new activities in line with the NOWPAP Medium-term Strategy 2012-2017 approved by NOWPAP member states,

Taking note that only 52% of the projects included in the 2012-2013 NOWPAP PoW were implemented on time,

The Eighteenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Approves the Report of the Executive Director of UNEP (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 18/3) on the progress for the implementation of NOWPAP activities during the 2012-2013 biennium,

2. Approves also the reports of the four Regional Activity Centres of NOWPAP (CEARAC, DINRAC, MERRAC and POMRAC) on the progress for the implementation of NOWPAP Programme of Work during the 2012-2013 biennium,

3. [Approves the NOWPAP Programme of Work (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 18/10/2) and the 6- months workplan and budget as presented in Table 1, with the understanding/agreement that the extraordinary IGM will be held in Korea as soon as possible, but in May 2014 at the latest, to propose and, where possible, to agree on the actions and measures to secure financial sustainability of the RCU which could include reforming its structure, revision of the Terms of Reference (TOR) of the RCU and job descriptions of RCU staff members,]

4. [Approves the NOWPAP Programme of Work (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 18/10/2) and the overall workplan and budget for 2014-2015 as presented in Table 1,

5. Decides to hold the extraordinary IGM in Korea as soon as possible, but in May 2014 at the latest, to discuss possible measures addressing future financial situation of NOWPAP and financial sustainability of the RCU,]

6. The 19th IGM will review the progress of the implementation of the PoW and will consider revisions of the 2014-2015 budget, if necessary,

7. Requests RAC Focal Points to nominate, after consultations with NOWPAP National Focal Points, high-quality experts who have the capacity to be involved in NOWPAP projects in order to guarantee timely delivery of national inputs and high-quality project deliverables,

8. Requests RACs to prepare and circulate the working documents timely before their Focal Point Meetings according to their rules of procedures, and to get experts nominated by RAC Focal Points for all RAC activities. 

9. Requests the RCU and RACs to improve the quality of their reports for the annual IGM by providing concrete outputs and effectiveness of the activities in completing the tasks, more detailed information on financial situation and expenditure as well as on NOWPAP biennium programme of work.

10. Requests RAC directors, in consultation with their Focal Points, to introduce changes in their respective work plans, including priority activities and quarterly milestones to monitor the progress of implementation, in line with the budget and NOWPAP 2014-2015 Programme of Work, as approved,

11. Requests NOWPAP RCU to facilitate the implementation of work by providing coordination, support and assistance to the RACs and to circulate updated work plans of each RAC (with quarterly milestones) for member states consideration by correspondence within one month after their respective Focal Points Meetings,

12. Encourages NOWPAP RCU and RACs to continue their best efforts to develop and maintain partnerships with related organizations, programmes and projects.

Table 1. NOWPAP workplan and budget for the 2014-2015 biennium 


Responsibility for


Approved 6-months budget

(US$ 1,000)

Biennium budget

(US$ 1,000)

RAP MALI RCU and RACs 17.50 70
Public Awareness RCU and RACs 7.25 29
Coordination of RACs RCU 4.00 16
Implementation of NOWPAP RCU 20.75 83
RCU Operation RCU 19.50 78
Resource Mobilization RCU and RACs 5.00 20
Sub-total   199.00 796
Programme Support Cost (13% of the subtotal)   26.00 104
Total   225.00 900

Resolution 2


Recognizing the need to initiate new activities while implementing current NOWPAP projects,

Also recognizing the necessity to increase the total amount of contributions of member states to the NOWPAP Trust Fund to the target amount of US$ 500,000, as agreed at the 2nd Intergovernmental Meeting,

Taking note with appreciation that the increased contribution from the People’s Republic of China in the amount of US$100,000 was received in 2013, and the intention of the Republic of Korea to increase its contribution from US$ 100,000 to US$ 125,000,

Complimenting NOWPAP RCU for its efforts on approaching potential donors to seek external funding sources,

The Eighteenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Agrees to the contributions to the NOWPAP Trust Fund in 2014, as presented in Table 2.

2. Encourages NOWPAP member states to make their utmost efforts to increase their annual contributions to meet the target amount of US$ 500,000.

3. Encourages the NOWPAP member states, NOWPAP RCU and RACs to continue seeking additional funding to support NOWPAP activities, particularly in line with NOWPAP MTS 2012-2017.

4. Requests NOWPAP RCU, in close collaboration with RACs, to prepare high-quality project proposals and to apply for external funding in order to initiate new and additional activities related to, among others, oil and HNS spill prediction system, pollution reduction targets, data mining, biodiversity conservation and climate change impacts.

5. Further requests RCU to communicate to member countries through National Focal Points, by circulating project proposals either prepared or applied for external funding together with summary note of the policies, as appropriate, and to report comprehensive progress on the activity of resource mobilization to the Intergovernmental Meeting annually. 

Table 2. Scale of contributions for 2014

Member States Annual contribution (US$)
PRC 100,000
Japan 125,000
ROK 125,000
Russian Federation 125,000
Total 475,000

Resolution 3


Taking note of the discussion on possible measures to address financial situation of NOWPAP at the 16th, 17th and 18th IGM,

Recalling the decision of the 17th IGM to request NOWPAP RCU working closely with UNEP and IMO in order to obtain observer status for NOWPAP at IMO meetings by finalizing an agreement of cooperation,

Taking note of the developments of NOWPAP in the past 20 years and the suggestion presented by NOWPAP RCU to hold a Commemorative Symposium on the occasion of the 19th NOWPAP IGM to be held in Russia,

The Eighteenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. Takes note that the NOWPAP RCU-hosting countries face difficulties with providing adequate financial support to meet increasing staffing costs of the RCU offices. [and this situation should be considered and addressed].

2. [Reiterates the importance of the common responsibility for the RCU and smooth operation of RCU, which is an integral part of NOWPAP, and requests the RCU hosting countries to make continuous efforts to provide financial contributions for the RCU operation and to fulfil their pledges stated in their Host Country Agreements with UNEP].

3. Requests the RCU, starting from January 2014, through close consultations with UNEP headquarters, to provide information to the member states on possible implications of NOWPAP RCU restructuring according to concrete proposals made by RCU-hosting countries and the Russian Federation as reflected in the meeting report for further discussion among all member states at the extraordinary IGM.

4. Requests UNEP, depending on availability of UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), to conduct an audit of the RCU financial and staff work performance for the last 6 years and inform NOWPAP member states accordingly.

5. Approves the agreement of cooperation between IMO and UNEP, representing NOWPAP.

6. Decides to hold a Commemorative Symposium on the occasion of the 19th NOWPAP IGM in Russia and requests the RCU to provide draft program and budget to NOWPAP member states for their review and approval by correspondence in early 2014.

Resolution 4


Acknowledging the negative impacts of marine litter in the NOWPAP region,

Acknowledging also the efforts of member states to address marine litter problem,

Taking into account that the implementation of the NOWPAP Regional Action Plan on Marine Litter (RAP MALI) is in line with national and regional priorities identified by the member states,

Taking note that most of RAP MALI activities are expected to being implemented at the national and local level, in cooperation with local governments and authorities as well as private sector, research institutions, NGOs and general public,

Complimenting NOWPAP RCU for its effort working with UNEP GPA office and donors to expand activities addressing marine litter and its sources,

The Eighteenth Intergovernmental Meeting,

1. [Approves NOWPAP RAP MALI work plan and budget for 2014-2015 biennium (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 18/9)].

2. Encourages NOWPAP member states to carry out activities to prevent, monitor and remove marine litter at a national and local level through the implementation of the NOWPAP RAP MALI.

3. Request NOWPAP RACs and RCU to implement the NOWPAP RAP MALI work plan as scheduled in close consultation with UNEP GPA office and other international organizations, projects and programmes involved.