29 Oct 2014 Story Oceans & seas

19th NOWPAP IGM held in Moscow

The 19th NOWPAP Intergovernmental Meeting (IGM) was convened on 20-22 October 2014 in Moscow, Russian Federation.  Delegates from NOWPAP member states (China, Japan, Korea and Russia) attended the meeting. Directors and representatives of NOWPAP Regional Activity Centres, UNEP Headquarters and United Nations Office at Nairobi also participated in the meeting.  The meeting reviewed the progress of NOWPAP implementation in 2013-2014 and discussed the financial rules and procedures for the NOWPAP funds with an agreement to establish working capital reserve for the NOWPAP accounts.  The meeting agreed to the scale of contributions for 2015 by each member state. The meeting conducted intensive discussion on appropriate measures to secure the future financial sustainability of the NOWPAP RCU offices, but final decision has not been made.  To continue the discussion, member states will have dialogue through correspondence and the second NOWPAP Extraordinary Intergovernmental Meeting might be convened in early 2015 in Korea.  The 20thregular NOWPAP IGM will be held in China in 2015.

Marking the 20th anniversary of NOWPAP, a commemorative symposium was held prior to the 19th IGM on 20 October 2014 in Moscow where presenters from NOWPAP member states and UNEP Headquarters reviewed the achievements in the past 20 years and suggested the way forward with concrete recommendations.