• Overview

Twenty First Intergovernmental Meeting of the Northwest Pacific Action Plan  

Seoul (Korea), 23-24 November 2016

Resolutions UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 21/10/Annex 1

Resolution 1

Acknowledging RACs and RCU efforts in implementing the NOWPAP 2016-2017 Programme of Work (PoW),

Recognizing the importance of joint efforts to protect the shared marine environment and manage sustainably its natural resources by engaging neighboring countries in comprehensive and specific regional actions contributing to the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals and targets,

Taking note that more than half of planned activities  included in the 2016-2017 NOWPAP PoW were implemented on time,

The Twenty first Intergovernmental Meeting,

  1. Approves the Report of the UNEP Executive Director (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 21/3), takes note of the NOWPAP implementation progress and the status of resources in the NOWPAP Trust Fund.
  2. Approves the reports of NOWPAP four Regional Activity Centers – CEARAC, DINRAC, MERRAC, and POMRAC (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 21/4/1-4) and acknowledges with satisfaction the progress made.
  3. Having reviewed the Status of Implementation of NOWPAP PoW for 2016-2017 report (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 21/5), requests:
    1. RAC Directors supported by NOWPAP RCU to complete planned activities and report progress to the 22nd NOWPAP IGM;
    2. NOWPAP RCU in co-operation with RACs, in 2017 organize stakeholder consultation meeting to map the existing projects and initiatives addressing climate change impacts on marine and coastal ecosystems in the NOWPAP region and report results to the Twenty-second NOWPAP IGM;
    3. NOWPAP RCU and RACs to continue their best efforts to maintain and expand partnerships with relevant organizations, programmes and projects to support implementation of NOWPAP and report progress at each IGM;
    4. NOWPAP RCU and RAC Directors with the support of member states enhance external resource mobilization for the implementation of NOWPAP Programme of Work and report progress at each IGM;
    5. NOWPAP RCU and RAC Directors to enhance efforts in public communication and outreach aiming at the increased NOWPAP presence, relevance and visibility in the region and beyond, including in all four languages of the region;
    6. Appreciates contributions of regional partners, including PICES, PEMSEA, YSLME and NEASPEC supporting implementation of NOWPAP Programme of Work and requests NOWPAP RCU together with RAC Directors to include relevant joint activities in the NOWPAP MTS 2018-2023;
    7. Requests NOWPAP RCU to circulate the Terms of Reference for the restructured RCU by e-mail by January 31st, 2017 for comments and approval at the 22nd NOWPAP IGM;
    8. Hold 22nd NOWPAP IGM in 2017 in Toyama, Japan.


Resolution 2


Recognizing the necessity to increase the total amount of contributions of all member states to the NOWPAP Trust Fund to the target amount of US$500,000 as agreed at the 2nd IGM,

Also recognizing with satisfaction the continuing and stable contributions to NOWPAP Trust Fund by member states in 2017,

Acknowledging the efforts of the Chinese delegation to reach the target amount of contribution to the NOWPAP Trust Fund of US$125,000 annually in 2017,

The Twenty first Intergovernmental Meeting,

  1. Agrees to the contributions to the NOWPAP Trust Fund in 2017 as presented in Table 1.
  2. NOWPAP RCU together with RAC Directors undertake utmost efforts to re-program existing resources and reach 100% expenditure rate of the NOWPAP Trust Fund by the end of 2016-2017 biennium;
  3. Encourages the NOWPAP Member States, NOWPAP RCU and RACs to continue seeking additional funding to support NOWPAP activities.


Table 1. Scale of contributions for 2017 Member States


Annual contribution (US$)


People’s Republic of China





Republic of Korea


Russian Federation




Resolution 3

NOWPAP Medium-term Strategy 2018-2023

Recognizing the need to develop the NOWPAP Medium-term Strategy 2018-2023 that is aligned with national and regional priorities and Sustainable Development Goals,

Having considered the draft Medium-term Strategy 2018-2023 (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 21/6) and taking note of the Background Note for the 21st NOWPAP IGM (UNEP/NOWPAP IG. 21/INF/6),

The Twenty first Intergovernmental Meeting,

  1. Requests RCU with the support of RACs Directors and in consultation with member states and NOWPAP partners to finalize MTS 2018-2023 for the adoption by the 22nd NOWPAP IGM and to this effect decides:
  1. NOWPAP RCU to submit the revised MTS 2018-2023 to member states by December 5th, 2016;
  2. Member states to provide comments and suggestions on the revised MTS 2018-2023 by March, 30th  2017,
  3. NOWPAP RCU together with RACs Directors supported by NOWPAP Focal Points undertake consultations with NOWPAP member states, partner organizations, and relevant stakeholders on the proposed activities, initiatives and projects to be included in the MTS 2018-2023 implementation plan from December 2016 until October 2017;
  4. RAC Directors supported by NOWPAP RCU to undertake consultations on the draft MTS 2018-2023 at the RAC FPMs in 2017.



Resolution 4


Acknowledging the negative impacts of marine litter on the coastal and marine environment in the NOWPAP region,

Acknowledging also the efforts of NOWPAP member states to address marine litter problem to prevent harm to the coastal and marine environment,

Taking into account that the implementation of the NOWPAP Regional Action Plan on Marine

Litter (RAP MALI) adopted in 2008 is in line with national and regional priorities identified by the NOWPAP member states,

Taking note that most of RAP MALI activities are expected to being implemented at the national and local level, in cooperation with local governments and relevant authorities as well as private sector, research institutions, NGOs and the general public,

Complimenting NOWPAP RCU for its efforts working with UNEP GPA office and other relevant organizations and initiatives to expand activities addressing marine litter and its sources,

The Twenty first Intergovernmental Meeting,

  1. Encourages NOWPAP member states to carry out activities to prevent, monitor and remove marine litter at a national and local level through the implementation of the NOWPAP RAP MALI,
  2. Requests NOWPAP RACs and RCU to implement the NOWPAP RAP MALI work plan for 2016-2017 as scheduled in close consultation with UNEP GPA office and other international organizations, projects and programmes involved.