Celebrating World Ozone Day around the Global - 2021

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Countries are invited to devote the Day (16 September) each year to promote, at the national level, activities in accordance with the objectives of the Montreal Protocol and its amendments.



During September 2021, many activities devoted to the World Ozone Day, 16 September 2021 were carried out by the representatives of the National Ozone Unit. It has been a very special celebration this year under COVID-19 pandemic situation. All activities have been organized in accordance with the “Protocol of Anti-COVID measures in Albania”. The main activities are as follow:

1. On the 16th of September 2021, the representatives of the National Ozone Unit and “ABC TIRANA CLUB” carried out the awareness campaign “Montreal Protocol: Keeping Us, our Food and Vaccines Cool” devoted to the World Ozone Day, 16 September 2021. The main purpose of this campaign was to attract the attention of the children toward the information about protecting the ozone layer and which factors cause damage to this layer. Read more...

View trailer of Albania's World Ozone Day activities



The Ministry of Environment, Republic of Armenia:  On this World Ozone Day, we celebrate and acknowledge the Montreal
Protocol and its Kigali Amendment in its wider efforts to keep us, our food, and vaccines cool!

On September 16, 2021, an interactive exhibition 'EcՕzone: Fridge Waste Art' organized jointly with 'For Equal Rights' Educational Center NGO took place at the Yerevan Zoo to mark the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.

Under this initiative out-of-service refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners and cylinders, which are considered hazardous waste, have been transformed into original art objects.  Read more...


UNEP, UNESCO, National Ozone Units (NOUs) in the Asia-Pacific, and Mahidol University held a press conference (16 Sept 2021) for “the Asia Ozone2Climate Art contestPacific Regional Ozone2Climate Art Contest”, a great project to raise public awareness on the impacts of ozone layer depletion and climate change through different types of artworks.  16 Sept 2021 is the start of a year-long campaign to spread the message of ozone layer and climate protection visually through the art contest categories of photography, graphic design, and drawing. The winning artwork will be revealed and showcased on World Ozone Day in 2022.  The recording of the press conference is available on facebook.


The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan posted press releases devoted to World Ozone Day 2021 on the official Facebook and Instagram pages of the Ministry.


Dans le cadre de la célébration de la 34ème Journée Mondiale de la préservation de la couche d’Ozone 2021 dont le thème est : "LE PROTOCOLE DE MONTREAL POUR QUE  NOUS,  NOS  ALIMENTS  ET  NOS  VACCINS  RESTIONS  AU  FRAIS",  le Ministère du Cadre de Vie et du Développement Durable, à travers le Bureau National Ozone  de  la  Direction  Générale de  l’Environnement et du  Climat  a organisé  les activités citées supra.

Ces différentes activités médiatisées ont permis de sensibiliser les acteurs de froid et de climatisation, ainsi que les populations sur :
- la nécessité de lutter contre les fluides frigorigènes de mauvaise qualité en optant pour les gaz de bonne qualité qui ne détruisent pas la couche d’ozone et qui sécurisent les équipements de froid;
- la mise en œuvre de l’Amendement de Kigali par l’adoption  des  équipements  de nouvelle technologie ayant un faible Pouvoir de Réchauffement Global (PRG) ;
- les impacts des rayons ultra-violets du soleil sur la santé ;
- le renforcement en équipements des Directions déconcentrées du Commerce ;
- la distinction de certains acteurs. Lire la suite...

Voir une courte vidéo sur la célébration du Bénin


Burkina 24 : Protection de la couche d’Ozone : Le Burkina Faso réaffirme ses engagements ‒ Le Burkina Faso a célébré ce jeudi 16 septembre 2021, les activités de la 36e journée internationale de la protection de la couche d’Ozone. Cette occasion a aussi été mise à profit pour le lancement du Projet "Refroidissement respectueux de l’ozone et du climat en Afrique de l’Ouest et du centre (ROCA)."

Le Pays des Hommes intègres célèbre chaque 16-Sepetmbre, à l’instar de la communauté internationale, la journée internationale de la protection de la couche d’Ozone. Cette activité commémorée ce jeudi 16 septembre 2021 vise à « informer et sensibiliser les décideurs, les populations ainsi que les acteurs du froid et de la climatisation sur la nécessité absolue de protéger la couche d’Ozone », a expliqué le Directeur général de la préservation de l’environnement (DGPE), Désiré Ouédraogo. Lire la suite

Also related:
InfoH24 : Burkina Faso : La protection de la couche d’ozone célébrée ce 16 septembre 2021
Burkina News: Protection de la couche d’ozone : Un projet pour refroidir la planète


Dans le cadre de la célébration de la journée internationale dédiée à la protection de la couche d’ozone qui est célébrée normalement en date du 16 septembre de chaque année, le Burundi s’est joint au monde entier pour célébrer cette journée en date du 23 septembre 2021 dans les enceintes du Bar-Restaurant "LA DETENTE," sous le patronage du Ministre ayant l’environnement dans ses attributions, Monsieur Déo-Guide RUREMA PhD.

Les cérémonies de cette journée ont vu la participation de l’Honorable NIBIZI Epimeny, les Directeurs Généraux issus des ministères sectoriels, le Représentant du Maire de la ville de Bujumbura, les membres du Bureau National Ozone, les Directeurs et Cadres des ministères sectoriels, Représentants des écoles de formation des métiers, Représentants des Entreprises/ateliers de froid et les média locaux. Le thème retenu pour cette année est : "Ensemble, gardons nos aliments et vaccins dans un environnement frais." Lire la suite...


On the occasion of World Ozone Day on 16 September 2021, Record TV interviewed the National Ozone Officer of Cape Verde, Mr. Adilson Fragoso. He explained about the substances that destroy the ozone layer and the status of implementation of the Montreal Protocol in the country. Several activities have been implemented in Cape Verde such as awareness raising, training of the technicians and identification of different gases. The Ozone Officer recommended that everyone should be cautious when purchasing refrigerators, air-conditioners, and other products to ensure that they have an eco-label.



The Ministry of Environment / the National Ozone Center celebrated the occasion of World Ozone Day on Thursday, September 16, 2021, at the Ministry’s theater hall in Al-Waziriya, under the theme “Montreal Protocol – Keeping us, our food and vaccines cool.”

The celebration was attended by representatives of various ministries "industry, commerce, labor, and social affairs," in addition to representatives of standardization and quality control, Iraqi universities, and environmental research centers, and others. During the celebration, the following activities were carried out:

 1. The celebration began with a speech by the Minister of Environment, Dr. Jassim Abdel Aziz Hammadi (Annex 1), in which he addressed the role of the Vienna Convention in protecting the ozone layer and the Montreal Protocol on the gradual phase-out of substances that deplete the ozone layer, in addition to their role in slowing climate change and helping to promote energy efficiency in the refrigeration sector, which contributes significantly to food security.

Click HERE to access the full report



This year in order to organize events to celebrate the World Ozone Day (WOD) National Ozone Unit of Kyrgyzstan (NOU) invited experts from the Kyrgyz Academy of Education and the State Committee on Ecology and Climate as lecturers at seminars.  The invited experts made a great contribution to these events, giving lectures on sustainable development, environmental protection and the implementation of this knowledge in schoolchildren behaviors. All events were held taking into account the requirements of the current COVID'19 pandemic -  participants kept social distance and were given medical masks and gloves.  Read more...

Click HERE to view the video on WOD activities organised by the National Ozone Unit, Kyrgyzstan.



Africa-Press – Mauritius. A half day workshop to mark the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2021 was organised, this morning, at the Caudan Arts Centre, in Port-Louis.

The Minister of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change, Mr Kavydass Ramano; the United Nations (UN) Resident Coordinator for Mauritius and Seychelles, Ms Christine Umutoni; the Chairperson of Media Trust, Mr Chayman Surajbali, and other personalities were present. Read more...



The National Ozone Authority (NOA) of Mongolia successfully celebrated World Ozone Day 2021 on September 16 by organizing and participating in a number of activities such as the Asia Pacific Regional ‘Ozone2Climate’ Art contest announcement at the national level. The National Ozone Unit also organised the launch of the Reset Earth animation (in Mongolian) through  Edutainment TV and  C Channel in Mongolia.  The TV channels launched advertisements of the animation on their Facebook pages

All the activities have been organized remotely or virtually and socially due to the Covid-19 pandemic situation.
Click HERE to access the full report.


This year’s Ozone day activities, organised by the Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro, include the Campaign "For a more beautiful and healthier Montenegro": The activities to be held are as follows:

- 16 Sept, Pljevlja: Tree planting in the hospital yard and delivery of ozone day awareness materials for children in the pediatric department;
- 17 Sept, Berane: Tree planting in the hospital yard and delivery of ozone day awareness materials for the children in the pediatric department. 
  There will also be an open lecture on “Ozone Layer Protection“ and delivery of ozone day awareness material for Secondary school students.
- 22 Sept, Bijelo Polje: At the Primary school “ Risto Ratkovic”, there will be a presentation on “Ozone Layer Protection” and the animated film
  “Reset Earth”.

Ozone day activities will continue during September and October.


World Ozone Day: Minister Highlights Efforts At Phasing Out ODS: As Nigeria joins the rest of the world to mark the 2021 World Ozone Day, the Minister of State for Environment, Barr. Sharon Ikeazor, has highlighted some conscious steps taken by Nigeria to phase out ozone depleting substances (ODS) in the country.

She said the Ministry of Environment in collaboration with UNDP, UNIDO, GIZ, World Bank and UNEP, as the implementing agencies, had been implementing the Montreal Protocol’s Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) phase out programme in the country in recent years. Read more...


Pakistan's Minister of Climate Change gave a speech in celebration of World Ozone Day.
Click HERE to view the video.


Las actividades que hemos desarrollado en conmemoración por el Día del Ozono son las siguientes: 1) Webinar: Seminario Cadena de frio en el sector de alimentos del Paraguay, cuyo objetivo fue mostrar los resultados obtenidos de la recolección y análisis de datos de cantidad producida, importada, exportada e instalaciones de alimentos y bebidas para la base de datos de cadena de frio en el Paraguay, en el marco del Proyecto Cold Chain llevado a cabo por el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible con la colaboración de ONU Medio Ambiente a través del Departamento de Ozono y Global food cold chain council. Read more...


En conmemoración al Día Internacional de la Preservación de la Capa de Ozono, el Ministerio de la Producción a través de la Dirección General de Asuntos Ambientales de Industria como autoridad competente para la implementación del Protocolo de Montreal en el Perú, organizó y llevo a cabo una serie de ponencias con la participación de especialistas internacionales en el Seminario denominado “Día Internacional de la Preservación de la Capa de Ozono”, con la finalidad de continuar con los esfuerzos que viene realizando el Perú en promover el uso de nuevas tecnologías y refrigerantes alternativos a los HCFC, como los refrigerantes naturales (hidrocarburos, CO2 y otros); así como, el enfoque de la eficiencia energética en el marco del Protocolo de Montreal. Read more... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


This year’s World Ozone Day highlights that the Montreal Protocol, through the Kigali Amendment, is now helping to slow climate change and boost energy efficiency in the cooling sector, which contributes to food security and effective vaccine delivery.

“Rwanda is proud to play a part in the ongoing success of the Montreal Protocol. To implement the Kigali Amendment, Rwanda created a ground-breaking National Cooling Strategy in 2019. The strategy is ensuring the country’s air conditioning and refrigeration systems are cooling our food and vaccines without contributing to the climate crisis,” said Juliet Kabera, Director General, Rwanda Environment Management Authority. Read more...


MITECO have prepared a leaflet which highlight the importance of the Kigali amendment following this year’s celebration theme, and remarking other contributions of the Montreal Protocol additionally to the importance of preserving the ozone layer.  Also, the 2021 report of the Ozone Layer situation as to the scientific research of AEMET (Spanish Meteorological State Agency) and INTA (National Institute of Aerospace Research), as well as the UN Secretary-General´s message for this Day (Spanish version) is also available.
Click HERE for more information.


La journée internationale de la protection de la couche d’ozone instituée par l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU), conformément à la résolution 49/114 adoptée le 11 septembre 1996, est célébrée chaque 16 du mois de septembre. A cet effet, le Togo tout comme la communauté internationale a célébré ce 16 septembre 2021, le trente-sixième anniversaire (36éme) de la journée internationale de la protection de la couche d’ozone.

Cette célébration est placée sous le thème "Protocole de Montréal - nous garantit le confort, garde au frais nos aliments et nos vaccins" complété du slogan "Saluons les efforts déployés pour la protection de la couche d'ozone." Le secrétariat de l’ozone a fait remarquer que ce thème revêt une double importance notamment la protection de la santé de l’homme et celle de l’environnement.  Read more...


On the occasion of World Ozone Day,  the Public Union Refrigerating Association of Ukraine produced publications and more than eight pages of specialized associations of specialists in their industry!  Click HERE for more information on their facebook page.

World Ozone Day 2021 - Information portal


The Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has prepared a blog up highlighting the great work of the Montreal Protocol and how we can stay cool without warming the planet. Click HERE to view the blog.


Crediting the Montreal Protocol, which “began life as a mechanism to protect and heal the ozone layer”, Secretary-General António Guterres said that over the course of three decades, “it has done its job well”. The multilateral treaty to phase out ozone-depleting substances has, by healing the hole in the ozone layer, protected human health, economies and ecosystems.

“The cooperation we have seen under the Montreal Protocol is exactly what is needed now to take on climate change, an equally existential threat to our societies”, he said.

Until the protocol, old equipment such as building insulation foam, fridge-freezers and other cooling systems, were manufactured using ozone-destroying chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs, which leaked the damaging gas into the atmosphere as equipment deteriorated. Read more...


In Uzbekistan, the awareness-raising campaign devoted to the World Ozone Day was organized by UNDP and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Ecology and Environmental Protection.

The campaign expanded its scope of activities and improved networking with partner institutions such as the Ministry for Support of Mahalla and Family, Ministry of Public Education, Center of Women Inventors of Uzbekistan and representatives of HCFC reuse center.  Read more...


On 16 September, the World Customs Organization (WCO) joins the international community in celebrating the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer- also known as World Ozone Day – under the theme “Montreal Protocol – keeping us, our food and vaccines cool”. World Ozone Day commemorates the anniversary of the signing, in 1987, of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, and reaffirms the importance of the international instruments that support this effort. On this day, the WCO reaffirms its support to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and OzonAction for the implementation of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, the Montreal Protocol and the Kigali Amendment. The effective implementation of these Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) is instrumental in guaranteeing that products being traded are safe both for human health and for the environment. Read more...



Zim Commemorates world Ozone Day - Zimbabwe has joined the rest of the world in commemorating International day for the preservation of the ozone layer which is dedicated to reminding people across the world on the need to protect the ozone layer. Read more...