There are few global agreements as successful as the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer. Today, on World Ozone Day, we celebrate 35 years of this convention, which was the first step in fixing the hole in the planet’s ozone layer.
Gases used in aerosols and cooling appliances were causing this hole. Under the convention’s Montreal Protocol, governments, scientists and industry cooperated and have so far replaced 99 per cent of these gases. The ozone layer is now healing, safeguarding human and ecosystem health. Read more...
Dear National Ozone Officers,
It is my sincere hope that you, your families and colleagues are all remaining safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic, which has impacted individuals, countries and businesses worldwide. Health guidelines and travel restrictions mean that we are celebrating a very different World Ozone Day (WOD) this year on 16 September, with reduced opportunities for outreach and face-to-face interactions with the public and key target groups. Despite these challenges, I commend you and your teams in the National Ozone Units for your dedication, resilience, and innovative approach in continuing your country's work to implement the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, including WOD celebrations. Read more...
The EEA has published the public data on ODS on the occasion of Ozone Day. Click HERE to view the data.
On 16 September this year, the World Customs Organization (WCO) joins the international community to celebrate 35 years of work for the protection of the ozone layer. This layer of gas is the Earth’s shield, protecting it from the more harmful portion of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The work to protect the ozone layer is therefore fundamental to the protection of human health and the ecosystem. This work is particularly relevant to the WCO this year, as it rallies the global Customs community around the theme of “Customs fostering Sustainability for People, Prosperity and the Planet”. Read more...
Afghanistan as a party to the Montreal protocol also celebrates this day every year in different provinces to enhance the capacity of general public in every province. This year, the National Ozone Unit of NEPA planned to celebrate this day in Herat province. around 230 participants attended the celebration from different governmental and non-governmental organizations in Herat province.
The National Ozone Unit tries to bring changes to the content of the event every year to celebrate this day at its best. Previous year the event included ozone-friendly equipment, painting and books exhibition. To bring changes to the content the National Ozone Unit planned to gift safety packages to technicians in Herat province on the occasion of celebrating the ozone day. Read more...
During September 2020, the representatives of the National Ozone Unit under the direction of the Ministry of Tourism and Environment organized many activities devoted to the 16th of September, World Ozone Day and 35th Anniversary of the Vienna Convention and global ozone layer protection. It has been a very special celebration this year under COVID-19 pandemic situation. All activities have been organized following the “Protocol of Anti-COVID measures in Albania”. The main activities are as follow:
On the 16th of September 2020, the representatives of the National Ozone Unit and the Ministry of Environment carried out the awareness campaign “OZONE FOR LIFE – 35 years of ozone layer protection” devoted to the 16th of September 2020 – World Ozone Day. The main purpose of the campaign was to attract the attention of the students toward the information about the protection of Ozone Layer and the factors which have caused the damage of the Ozone layer. The actions were held at “Arben Brozi ” high school and “Harry Fultz” Institute in Tirana. Read more...
ALGERIALa journée mondiale pour la protection de la couche d'ozone sous le thème "L'ozone pour la vie - 35 ans de protection de la couche d'ozone" a été célébrée sous le haut patronnage de la Ministre de l'Environnement et en présence de plusieurs membres du Gouvernement, du Coordonateur Résident des Nations Unies à Alger et de la Représentante Permanente de l'ONUDI à Alger.
Une soixantaine d'invités provenant essentiellement des Ministères, des Institutions et Agences nationales, des entreprises publiques et privées, des importateurs de fluides, et du sceteur de la formation ont participé à cette journée d'information. Lire la suite...
The National Ozone Unit in Armenia organized several activities in commemoration of World Ozone Day (WOD). Click HERE for information on Armenia's WOD activities and on the following links:

- AST EN 378 Standard, Part I and II Entering into Force
- 'EcՕzone: Fridge Waste Art' Exhibition
- Study Tour for Mass Media Representatives
- Meeting of the RAC Association of Armenia
- Meeting with Students of Three Regional Colleges
BAHRAINManama - Under the patronage of Dr Mohamed Mubarak bin Dinah, CEO of the Supreme Council for the Environment, the Council launched on 14 September, in cooperation with the Regional Office of the United Nations Environment Programme in West Asia, the 3rd Environmental Forum to Protect the Ozone Layer (remotely), with participants from various sectors in conjunction with the International Ozone Day, under the slogan "Ozone for life - 35 years of protecting the ozone layer." Read the full article in Arabic…
Dans le cadre de la célébration de la 33ème Journée Mondiale de la préservation de la couche d’Ozone 2020 dont le thème est : « l’Ozone pour la Vie », et pour slogan : "35 ans de protection de la couche
d'ozone" le Ministère du Cadre de Vie et du Développement Durable, à travers le Bureau National Ozone de la Direction Générale de l’Environnement et du Climat a organisé les activités citées supra.
Ces différentes activités médiatisées ont permis de sensibiliser les acteurs de froid et de climatisation, ainsi que les populations sur :
- la nécessité de lutter contre les fluides frigorigènes de mauvaise qualité en optant pour les gaz de bonne qualité qui ne détruisent pas la couche d’ozone et qui sécurisent les équipements de froid ;
- la mise en œuvre de l’Amendement de Kigali par l’adoption des équipements de nouvelle technologie ayant un faible Pouvoir de Réchauffement Global (PRG) ;
- les impacts des rayons ultra-violets du soleil sur la santé ;
- le renforcement en équipements des Directions déconcentrées du Commerce, du Cadre de Vie, des centres de formation et associations. départementales de frigoristes. Lire la suite...
BHUTANA World Ozone Day poster produced by the National Ozone Unit, Bhutan.
The National Ozone Unit, Bosnia and Herzegovina, dedicated a webpage in commemoration of World Ozone Day. Click HERE to access the webpage.
Brunei Darussalam celebrated World Ozone Day by launching a new National Park with four Ministers, Ambassadors and Diplomats, as well as other high-ranking government officials using this year’s ozone day theme: 35 Years of Ozone Layer Protection. Read more...
Dans l’occasion de la célébration de la journée internationale de la protection de la couche d’ozone qui est célébrée le 16 septembre de chaque année, le Burundi s’est joint à d’autres nations pour célébrer cette journée ce jeudi le 24 septembre 2020 dans les enceintes de du Best Outlook Hotel. Les cérémonies de cette journée ont vu la participation des Honorables parlementaires, le Secrétaire Permanent au ministère de l’environnement, de l’agriculture et de l’élevage, les Directeurs Généraux, les Coordonnateurs des projets et programmes, les Directeurs issus des différentes institutions, les Enseignants de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Ingénieur à l’Université du Burundi, les Frigoristes, les Douaniers de l’Office Burundais des Recettes (OBR), les membres des associations des agences en douane et les média.
La lecture du programme de cette journée ainsi que la modération ont été effectuées par le Point Focal National, Monsieur NIBIZI Epimeny. Lire la suits...
CAMBODIAThis year the National Ozone Unit (NOU) of Ministry of Environment of Cambodia celebrated the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, 16 September 2020 and marks the 35th anniversary of the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the marks the 33rd anniversary of the Montreal Protocol on the Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer under the theme of “Ozone for Life: 35 years of Ozone Protection”. NOU, Department of Air Quality and Noise Management, General Department of Environmental Protection of Ministry of Environment of Cambodia organized many programmes to mark the day. The programme included round table discussion, the awareness workshop on the implementation of Montreal Protocol and the process toward the ratification of Kigali Amendment of which the workshop was participated by provincial government officials, students from the university and youth association. Read more...
Cameroon joined the international community to commemorate this year’s International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone layer, under the theme: “Ozone for life; 35 years of Protection of the Ozone Layer”.
The theme for this year recognizes the collective efforts and achievements of parties to the Vienna Convention and the Montreal Protocol towards the restoration of the ozone layer over the last three and the half decades and the global commitment to combat climate change.
The global pandemic which has come to modify and imposed new methods of work and celebration did not leave Cameroon indifferent. The day was mainly intended to spread awareness not only on the achievements of both the Convention and the Protocol at the level of the country but also on the importance of continually enhancing our measures to protect the Ozone Layer now and in the future.
Activities to commemorate the 33rd birthday of Ozone Layer Preservation ran from the 7th to the 16th of September 2020. Read more...
The National Environment Service (NES) as a focal point to the Montreal Protocol implementation in Cook Islands organized events to commemorate this annual Calendar of Events to educate more young minds about the Ozone Layer and the effects of ozone depleting substances (ODS) as follows:
• Public Awareness via television advertisement, posters and social media
• Facebook post consisted of “did you know” facts that were provided by the OzonAction – UNEP through the Cook
Islands National Environment Service (NES) page
• WOD video from the PICs and Asia posted on NES Facebook page.
• Quiz on ODS with National Environment Staff held at the NES office
• Johnsons Fitness group video post via Facebook
• TV advertisement was done through Cook Islands Television and Vaka TV 2 days prior to World Ozone Day
In the article written in the Croatian language, the National Ozone Unit announced 16 September as Ozone day, with the 2020 theme, “Ozone for life.” They explain that they celebrate 35 years of the Vienna convention and 33 years of the Montreal Protocol, the most successful environmental agreement. The Republic of Croatia has phased out all ODS and implemented a lot of projects financed by the Multilateral Fund. Also, because Croatia is an EU member state, they have a strategy for the phase-down of HFC. Over the years Croatia has produced a lot of public awareness campaigns regarding the protection of the ozone layer. Read the full article in Croatian...
ECUADORThe National Ozone Unit under the Ministerio de Producción, Comercio Exterior, Inversiones y Pesca, Ecuador have put together a video and publications in commemoration of Ozone Day.
- Click HERE to view the video.
- Click HERE to view posters
The National Ozone Unit, Ministry of Environment of Estonia have organised a team event and joint excursion followed by a festive dinner where everybody will receive a specially designed box of chocolate with the slogan for this year's theme, Ozone for Life: 35 years of protecting the ozone layer, decorated with a blue ribbon.
More information on Estonia's WOD can be found at the following:
- The general Ozone Day text translated into Estonian
- Estonian MoE Environment (Keskkonnaministeerium) Facebook account
The Kingdom of Eswatini observed World Ozone Day with an event that was attended by the Honorable Minister of Tourism and Environmental Affairs, who gave the keynote address. Other speakers were the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative, the Eswatini Environment Authority (EEA) Board Chairperson and one of the Directors from the National Ozone Unit (NOU). Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the event was held with minimum participation. The event was organized by the National Ozone Unit, Eswatini. Read more...
EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA NETWORK'S WORLD OZONE DAY GREETINGSEurope and Central Asia Network's World Ozone Day poster entitled, 'ECA network in action against Covid-19. Some of the ECA countries have translated the poster into their national languages. Click HERE to view posters.
FIJIThe ozone week celebration was held in Nadi, Fiji, on September 16 – 17, 2020. As part of this year’s Ozone Week Celebration, the Ministry organized three (3) main activities through the support of the stakeholders from the RAC industry, particularly the West RAC Association, the Ministry of Forestry, (HVAC) students from the Technical College of Fiji, Nadi, Nadi Town Council, Fiji Revenue & Customs Services and Fumigation company’s representatives. Read more...
La République de Guinée a célébré comme les autres pays du monde, la journée internationale de la protection de la couche d’Ozone instituée par l’Organisation des Nations Unies (ONU) le 16 septembre 2020.
L’objectif principal de cette célébration est de permettre aux institutions qui œuvrent pour la protection de la couche d’Ozone, de porter un regard rétrospectif sur les activités initiées et les résultats atteints et de saisir l’occasion pour faire une sensibilisation du public sur le rôle de la couche d’Ozone et le cadre réglementaire qui encadre l’utilisation des gaz frigorifiques. Read more...
On the occasion of the “International Ozone Day, 33rd Anniversary of Montreal Protocol & 35th Anniversary of Vienna Convention”, the Iranian National Ozone Unit (NOU) organized an online (webinar) ceremony due to the spread of corona virus, on September 15, 2020.
In addition to the participation of NOU’s director and officers at the ceremony, the representatives of Implementing Agencies of UNDP, UNIDO, GIZ, I.R.Iran’s Customs Administration and provincial ozone cells officers also took part online. Read more...
The Iraq National Ozone Center took several initiatives on the occasion of the 2020 International Ozone Day (IOD):
- All concerned parties were approached (the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Electricity, the Ministry of Oil, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning, the Ministry of Construction and Housing, and the Municipality of Baghdad) to inform them of celebrating IOD; publications were sent to them for distribution purposes to interested persons/institutions.
- A brief overview of IOD was presented to importers of gases and equipment and several publications were distributed to them.
- Diffusion of the statement of the Minister of Health and Environment on the official website of the Ministry on the occasion of IOD
- A poster was printed and placed in the building of the Ministry of Environment on the IOD (16 September).
- A meeting was held with the technical agents of the cadres working in the ministry’s centre to greet them on the occasion of the IOD and to encourage them to continue the work to achieve the desired goals for the protection of the ozone layer. Click HERE for detailed information.
The Government of Kiribati commemorated the 2020 World Ozone Day on 16 September 2020. The main activities included (i) consultation workshop, (ii) radio programme, and (iii) media. A total of 16 stakeholders participated in the 2020 WOD programmes.
(i) Consultation workshop with stakeholders The NOO conducted a stakeholder workshop targeting private sectors, importers and RAC
servicing workshops. NOU presented on (i) Ozone layer, the importance of the ozone layer, ozone
depletion, Health & Environmental risk of ozone depletion; and (ii) ODS Regulation 2017,
Licensing system, Quota system and list of controlled substances. Read more...
KYRGYZSTANA World Ozone Day poster produced by the National Ozone Unit (NOU), Kyrgyzstan.
Further, the NOU organized special activities from the 16th of September until the 2nd of October to celebrate Ozone Layer. Specialists from the Kyrgyz Academy of Education and the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry(SAEPF) were invited as lecturers. They made a great contribution to these events, giving lectures on sustainable development, environment protection and how to introduce this knowledge into lessons for schoolchildren. All events were held taking into account the requirements of the current COVID'19 pandemic, participants kept a distance and were given medical masks and gloves. Read more...
To commemorate 2020 World Ozone Day with this year’s celebration theme of ‘Ozone for Life: 35 years of Ozone Layer Protection’, the National Ozone Unit (NOU), under the Ministry of Natural Resource and Environment, Lao PDR, has broadcasted through the national media and disseminated the message of the UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres, on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer. Read more...
Click HERE to see more from Lao's Facebook page.
Liberia on 16th September 2020 joined countries around the world to celebrate International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, under the Global Theme “Ozone for life” which is accompanied by the “Tagline 35 years of ozone layer protection”
In Liberia, the celebration of the day was carried out in two parts with the first part being held in Monrovia, Montserrado County on 15th September with the following activities being carried out: discussions held on Radio (FM 104.5) located in Logan Town. The radio talk show was intended to create public awareness as related to the purpose for which Ozone Day is celebrated each year. Also, on the 15th, three radio stations, including ECOWAS, Liberia Broadcasting System (ELBS) and Truth FM aired the U.N. Secretary’s General Message as part of the celebration. Read more...
Madagascar à l’instar des autres pays qui ont déjà ratifié la Convention de Vienne et le Protocole de Montréal a célébré, le mercredi 16 septembre 2020, la Journée Mondiale de la protection de la couche d’Ozone sous l’égide du Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable sous le thème : «L’Ozone pour la Vie» et s’y ajoute le 35e anniversaire de la Convention de Vienne à travers le slogan « 35 ans de protection de la couche d'ozone ».
Une cérémonie de remise officielle des deux Lots des climatiseurs fonctionnant au R290 et des équipements y afférents en vue de convertir / remplacer les climatiseurs à HCFC- R22 nocifs à la couche d’Ozone entre l’ONUDI et le Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable(MEDD) est programmée dans le cadre de cette célébration de la Journée Mondiale de la protection de la couche d’Ozone, le Mercredi 16 septembre 2020. Lire la suite...
In conjunction with World Ozone Day celebrated every 16th of September, the Department of Environment (DOE) Malaysia through the Ministry of Environment and Water organized many activities to commemorate it. In line with this year’s theme, “OZONE FOR LIFE, 35 years of ozone layer protection,” ePosters, infographics and a short video competition was held. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, dissemination of information was distributed extensively through social media via Facebook, Instagram and official DOE’s website. A series of talks by NOU officers during Ozone Day celebrations at the State’s level, besides online sessions via webinars, were held to boost awareness and promotion of ozone layer protection. Read more...
MONGOLIAThe activities for World Ozone Day celebrations in Mongolia followed the tips included in the draft ‘Communications toolkit for National Ozone Units’ developed by UNEP OzonAction for Asia and the Pacific region. The toolkit was very helpful to celebrate World Ozone Day during this pandemic situation.
The National Ozone Authority (NOA) of Ministry of Environment and Tourism organised several activities for WOD: a press conference, media promotion, awareness-raising material, corporate partnership, merchandise, quiz on social media, and a regional celebration. Click HERE to access Mongolia's WOD report.
MYANMARWith the objective to raise awareness on the importance of the ozone layer not only for the present but also for future generations and to promote cooperation of relevant stakeholders and the public sectors, the Environmental Conservation Department-ECD (Head Office) and State, and the Regional Offices of ECD under the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation hosted the 2020 World Ozone Day activities on 16 September 2020. Read more...
This year Nepal celebrated World Ozone Day in different but interesting ways.
• Celebration through media:
Nepal chose different media (social media, FM) to celebrate the day with the general public. A public service announcement (PSA) was made with the message from the Hon. Minister for Ministry of Forest and Environment, Mr. Bishwo babu Pudasaini DG NBSM, Mr. Binod Dangol, President NREMA and Mr. Sama Thapa the media personnel. They all highlighted the celebration of World Ozone Day and elaborated the message for ozone protection. This PSA was boosted through social media (Facebook, Youtube). Read more...
La Journée internationale de la protection de la couche d'ozone, qui a lieu le 16 septembre, célèbre cette réalisation. Cette Journée démontre que les décisions et nos actions collectives, guidées par la science, sont le seul moyen de résoudre les grandes crises mondiales. En cette année marquée par la pandémie de COVID-19, qui a entraîné de telles difficultés sociales et économiques, le message porté par ces accords sur la protection de l’ozone nous montre que travailler ensemble en harmonie et pour le bien collectif est plus important que jamais. Le thème de cette Journée, « L’ozone pour la vie », nous rappelle que non seulement l’ozone est crucial pour la vie sur Terre, mais que nous devons continuer à protéger la couche d’ozone pour les générations futures.
Ainsi à l’instar de la communauté internationale, le Niger a célébré le 16 septembre 2020, la JIPCO. Plusieurs activités ont marqué cette journée. Lire la suite...
Nigeria celebrated her 2020 World Ozone Day with a Ministerial Press Briefing, where the Honorable Minister of Environment (FMEnv), Dr Mohammad Abubakar, delivered the 2020 Ozone Address (copy attached below). The event which took place at the Conference Hall, Federal Ministry of Environment, Maitama, Abuja on 18th September 2020, commenced with a welcome address by the permanent secretary, FMEnv, Mr Abel Enitan. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, participants were mainly members of the press for awareness dissemination purpose, UNIDO Representative, Mr Yomi Banjo and other relevant stakeholders. A Goodwill message was delivered by the Representative of UNIDO, who highlighted how the Organization had partnered with the Federal Ministry of Environment in the implementation of the Montreal Protocol's ODS Phase-out programme in Nigeria. He further assured of UNIDO’s continuous support to the Government implementing MP’s activities in Nigeria. Read more...
The National Ozone Unit at the Ministry of Climate Change, Pakistan, in collaboration with PNCA is holding an online art competition (paintings, sculptures, photography, short films, documentaries) among school/college students between the ages of 13-25 years, on World Ozone Day with the theme, ‘Ozone for Life, Clean Green Pakistan.’ The competition is open until 15 October 2020. Winners will receive prizes and certificates.
La actividades que desarrollamos fueron las siguientes:
- Entrevista en RADIO CARITAS, en el Programa "La expresión real del Campo", hablando sobre la Preservación de la Capa de Ozono, el Convenio de Viena y el Protocolo de Montreal. (SE ADJUNTA FOTO 1)
- Entrega de equipos, con presencia del Sr, Ministro Ariel Oviedo, para el establecimiento de un Proyecto demostrativo de Centro de Recuperación, reciclado y almacenamiento de gases refrigerantes de SAO y HFC, en el marco del Convenio entre el Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible (MADES) y Técnicos en refrigeración del Paraguay (TRAP). (SE ADJUNTA FOTOS 2, 3, 4, 5) - click HERE
- Publicación en la página del Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible, mensaje por el DÍA DEL OZONO y en FACEBOOK del MADES.
- Publicación de la celebración del Día del Ozono en la Fanpage OZONO PARAGUAY e Invitación a la ciudadanía a formar parte de la celebración, compartiendo las imágenes y la frase “Ozono para la Vida” en tus redes sociales. Encuéntralo en el enlace - Facebook
- Curso - SEMINARIO EN LÍNEA, ACTUALIZACIÓN DE REFRIGERACIÓN Y CLIMATIZACIÓN, con el experto Ing. Fernando del Castillo.. El seminario está preparado para nivel básico, intermedio y avanzado. (Se adjunta fotos 6, 7).
- La cadena de supermercados SUPERSEIS también se unió a los festejos por el Día del ozono, publicando en su página web flyer alusivos. (SE ADJUNTA FOTO 8)
- Publicación de flyer alusivos para redes sociales (se adjunta) - Facebook. Click HERE to view photos.
Samoa celebrated World Ozone Day on Wednesday. The occasion also marked 33 years since the Montreal Protocol was signed and 35 years of global ozone layer protection under the Vienna Convention.
The event was held at the Samoa Meteorology Division Office at Mulinuu on Wednesday evening. In attendance was the Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (M.N.R.E), Ulu Bismarck Crawley, Head of the United Nations Environment Programme (U.N.E.P) office in Apia, Sefanaia Nawanda on behalf of U.N.E.P the Implementing Agency for the Montreal Protocol in Samoa and the President of the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Association of Samoa, Niulevaea Ropati Tyrell. Read more...
Le programme Ozone Sénégal et le ministère de l’Environnement et du développement durable ont célébré ce mercredi la trente-cinquième édition de la journée mondiale de l’ozone. Une occasion pour les différentes parties prenantes d’annoncer la première phase d’élimination des chlorofluorocarbones (CFC). Lire la suite... | Facebook
Click HERE to view Senegal's detailed report on World Ozone Day.
Deux millions de cas de cancer évités grâce aux amendements du protocole de Montréal
SERBIATo commemorate World Ozone Day, the National Ozone Unit, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Serbia, organised several activities to raise awareness of the importance of the ozone layer and its protection. One key activity organized by the NOU Serbia was to support the activities of young children. An art class on the topic of protection of the ozone layer was organized in several primary schools and kindergartens with the help of teachers and educators. The NOU also provided educational materials and drawing accessories. Read more…
SRI LANKAThe National ceremony of the ‘World Ozone Day –2020’ was organized by the National Ozone Unit of the Ministry of Environment on 16.09.2020 at the ‘Apegama’ premises to mark the 33rd anniversary of the Montreal Protocol and 35th Anniversary of the Vianna Convention on the theme of ‘Ozone for Life’. Around 300 students from the technical colleges across the island and together with nearly 200 senior government officials and stakeholders from inter-governmental organizations, private sector and non-governmental organizations graced the occasion. Read more...
To commemorate 2020 World Ozone Day on 16 September 2020, the National Ozone Unit of Timor-Leste, under the Secretary of State for the Environment
organized an event that involved the key stakeholders such as RAC importers, servicing companies, Custom Authority Officials, government ministries, academics and students.
The objective of this event was to raise public awareness on the issue of ozone layer protection –NOU intentionally selected the venue for this event in order to reach out to broader audiences. The event was officially commenced with the statement delivered by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Mr. Demétrio do Amaral de Carvalho, highlighting the main purpose of the commemoration of world ozone day and Timor-Leste’s contributions toward the implementation of Montreal Protocol including the detrimental effects of ozone layer depletion to humans, animal and plants. Read more...
The Ozone Protection Unit of Thailand under the Ministry of Industry has organized activities to commemorate the 2020 World Ozone Day in the theme ‘Ozone for Life: 35 years of Ozone Layer Protection’.
• The public awareness VDO emceed by the Director-General of the Department of Industrial Works telling the journey of international collaboration from the Vienna Convention to the Montreal Protocol and Thailand’s obligations to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the ozone-depleting substance and phasing down high global warming potential substances as well as to promote the awareness of the public to choose refrigeration and air conditioning that consumed substances that saves ozone and the climate. The VDO was broadcasted from 16 September 2020 onwards through social media. Read more...
Le Togo a célèbré ce 16 septembre 2020, le trente-cinquieme anniversaire (35éme) de la journee internationale de la protection de la couche d’ozone. Dans le cadre de cette célébration, le Togo a mené des activités axé sur la sensibilisation du public autour de la question de la destruction de la couche d’ozone et les initiatives pour sa protection. Il a également saisi l’occasion pour mettre en relief les efforts déployés par le pays par le passé afin de contribuer dans la lutte contre les substances qui appauvrissent la couche d’ozone (SAO). Le thème retenu pour l’édition de cette année est : « l’ozone pour la vie » complété du slogan « 35 ans d’initiatives pour la protection de la couche d'ozone ». Le thème de la journée revêt une double connotation notamment, la protection de la couche d’ozone qui garantit de faite la protection de la santé et la vie de l’homme. Read more...
The Kingdom of Tonga commemorated the 2020 WOD celebration through ex the exhibitions. The event was officiated by the Prime Minister with a cake cutting to mark the 35 years of ozone layer protection.
The exhibition booths displayed various ozone protection awareness publications including brochures, pull up banners and posters. A demonstration on the use of the refrigerant identifier was also conducted. More than 300 stakeholders participated ranging from the general public, school students, government and private sectors including representatives from Parliament, New Zealand High Commission, Australian High Commission, Embassy of the Republic of China and Embassy of Japan. The NOU also made a presentation on the ozone layer protection, conducted a clean up campaign and conducted other activities to commemorate the World Ozone Day celebration on the 16th of September 2020. Read more...
TURKMENISTANIn honour of the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, representatives of the National Ozone Unit (NOU) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan held a series of events under the slogan: “Ozone for life: 35 years of ozone layer protection”. Read more...
UZBEKISTANIn Uzbekistan, the awareness-raising campaign devoted to the International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer was organized by UNDP and the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Ecology and Environmental Protection. The purpose of the campaign was to raise public awareness about the preservation of the ozone layer, the consequences of its depletion and the protection of Nature, in particular the ozone layer.
The campaign supported expanding the scope of activities to improve networking with partner institutions such as the State Customs Committee, Ministry of Mahalla and Family Affairs of Uzbekistan, the Center of Women Inventors of Uzbekistan. In turn, productive networking with such institutions helped to attract women from educational institutions and communities to ensure gender balance in the contest and other activities. Read more...
This brief document will summaries the activities, outcomes and feedbacks about the International Ozone Day & World Clean-up Day at Chief’s Nakamal in Port Vila, Vanuatu This event happened on Wednesday 16 September.
The International Ozone Day was celebrated along with the World Clean-up Day to advocate for both days as they both contribute to keeping our environment clean, safe and help to reduce climate change. The Department of Environmental Protection and Conservation team worked together in partnership with other departments, organizations, schools, and the media outlets in celebrating this event. Read more...
In celebration of the World Ozone Day 16/9 this year, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment organized various communication activities such as hanging banners on the streets, organization of talk show and distribution of leaflets to raise awareness about HCFC and HFC management in Vietnam; cooperating with relevant agencies to strengthen capacity and understandings among government agencies, businesses and the people on the importance of eliminating substances that are harmful to the ozone layer or have a high global warming potential to protect the Earth and life on our planet. Read more...
Further, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment also arranged for WOD to be broadcasted on the news on 16 September and a talk show.
Click HERE to view more of Vietnam's WOD activities.
In a statement to mark the day (World Ozone Day), Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry Minister Mangaliso Ndlovu said Government was now at the final stage in the ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on the substances that deplete the Ozone Layer, which entered into force on January 1 last year.
The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol is an international agreement, which was set to gradually reduce the consumption and production of hydrofluorocarbons.
“My ministry is making all the necessary measures to comply with its provisions even before we have ratified the amendment, said Minister Ndlovu. So far, 102 parties to the Montreal Protocol have ratified the Kigali Amendment. Read more...