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This workshop will contribute to fulfilling the recommendations of the Caribbean Network Meeting held in June 2024 when Countries voiced an emerging concern pertaining to the implementation of their HPMPs, and HFC phase-down phase under the Kigali Amendment. Countries in the Region face an aging Refrigeration Servicing Sector (RSS) where mature RAC Technicians are increasingly retiring from the RSS, creating unfilled gaps. This is compounded by a low attraction by younger RAC Technicians to the Sector. NOUs of the Caribbean has requested that UNEP, through its South-South Initiative, create a space for NOOs and Younger RAC Technicians to be twinned towards bridging this gap, fostering greater participation of the youth in the HCFC phase-out and HFC Phase down.

Donnalyn Charles
Montreal Protocol Regional Coordinator
Email: donnalyn.charles[at]un.org