Montreal Protocol Who's Who

A web portal intended to honor the visionaries, innovators and implementers who are making the Montreal Protocol a global environmental success story.

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to explore "The Montreal Protocol Who's Who" pages, where you will meet women and men from different cultural and social backgrounds from around the world and learn about their motivation, commitment, and actions to protect the ozone layer.

Their combined efforts are making the Montreal Protocol into a success, providing a valuable lesson on how to overcome daunting global problems facing humanity.

The Montreal Protocol Who's Who pays tribute to those individuals who were essential in realising this global effort for the sake of humanity and life on earth.

Learn more about these "ozone champions" through the pages of the "Montreal Protocol Who's Who"

OzonAction University Course for Future Engineers (Refrigerant Management)

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonAction Branch, as well as other United Nations (UN) agencies operating under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, offered over the last two decades exhaustive training programmes for the servicing technicians on the refrigeration good practices including emissions reduction and sound management of refrigerants. These training programmes always offered also opportunity to field engineers to get involved but majority of the training recipients were field technicians. Therefore, the level of training programmes is always simplified to the minimum scientific level with more focus on hands-on practices and service techniques.

OzonAction Kigali Fact Sheet No.16 - GWPs of Refrigerant Mixtures: Kigali Context

Many of the commonly used refrigerants are mixtures of several pure fluids. The Kigali Amendment controls the use of HFCs, including those used in refrigerant mixtures. This Fact Sheet provides details about the GWP of refrigerant mixtures.


La plupart des réfrigérants couramment utilisés sont des mélanges de plusieurs fluides purs. L’amendement de Kigali réglemente l’utilisation des HFC, y compris ceux utilisés dans les mélanges de réfrigérants. Cette fiche d'information fournit des détails sur le GWP des mélanges réfrigérants.