The creation of the Ozone Officers Networks for Central America and Mexico, and South America were approved at the 12th Executive Committee Meeting in 1994. These networks comprise 19 members as follows:
Central America: Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama.
South America: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela.
![Latin America map](
Because of efficient joint work between the United Nations Environment (UNEP), other Implementing Agencies and network countries, the following were achieved for the Latin American region in recent year:
- Regional and inter-regional network meetings (2018 Paris, Guatemala 2018, Quito 2018, 2019 Paris) thematic meeting with Customs (2019 Asuncion) and twinning workshop (2018 Guatemala) on energy efficient and climate friendly refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) in cooperation with the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Programme (K-CEP).
- Ratification of the Kigali Amendment: Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay.
- Implementation of HCFC phase-out management plans (HPMPs) as the lead implementing agency or cooperating agency in the region.
- Implementation of enabling activities for HFC phase down, including participating in stakeholder consultations of the countries on the Kigali Amendment, assisting National Ozone Units (NOUs) in developing documentation to initiate the ratification process, and providing support as needed to countries in the ratification process.
The thematic meetings approach is adopted according to the needs of the countries and such meetings count on the participation of the private sector, tertiary educational institutions, and other Government Officers such as Customs Officers in addition to the National Ozone Officers. This broader participation was an innovation introduced for awareness and commitment purposes of main country stakeholders in addition to the regular Network Meetings.
In January 2018, the member countries of Latin America Regional Network actively participated to the first global Inter-Regional Thematic and Network Meetings held in Paris, France, organised by OzonAction CAP as a forum to discuss issues on HCFC phase-out commitments and sustaining compliance with prior targets, the refrigeration servicing sector, and HFC phase-down.
The Latin America Reginal Team of OzonAction CAP, organised Regional Network Meeting in Guatemala City from 25-26 June 2018 back to back with the Twinning Workshop on Energy Efficient and Climate Friendly Refrigeration and Air-conditioning (RAC) in cooperation with the Kigali Cooling Efficiency Programme (K-CEP) held in Guatemala City from 27-28 June 2018. During the network meeting a site visit to the facilities of the Guatemalan refrigeration equipment manufacturing plant restructured with the support of the Multilateral Fund was organised for National Ozone Officers in the region. The Quito Joint Networks Meeting of National Ozone Officers of Central America, South America and the Caribbean held in November 2018 with the themes under discussion for the 82nd Executive Committee meeting of the Multilateral Fund and the 30th MOP of Montreal Protocol.
In 2019, UNEP OzonAction organized the Second OzonAction Global Inter-Regional and Parallel Networks Meeting for National Ozone Officers from 17-20 February 2019 in Paris, France. National Ozone Officers from Latin America had an opportunity to discuss the countries’ emerging needs under the Protocol’s HCFC phase-out and to prepare for the ratification and initial implementation phase of the Kigali Amendment, which entered into force on 1 January 2019.
![Future objectives](
The Latin American network will focus on the following issues:
- Provide assistance for the countries of the region in their efforts of sustaining ODS phase-out in compliance with the Montreal Protocol.
- Provide support for the establishment, revision, approval and enforcement of ODS control legislation.
- Facilitate South-South cooperation through the Network meetings for discussions and exchange of experience on issues among officers of the different countries of the region.
- Support the initiatives on ODS illegal trade control within the region through a new network project addressed to the needs of Customs Officers together with the National Ozone Units in an effort to prevent illicit traffic of ODS.
- Support ratification of Kigali Amendment.
- Assistance in regional and national awareness raising of the Kigali amendment
Mr. Marco Pinzon
Montreal Protocol Regional Coordinator, Latin America Networks
OzonAction CAP team for Latin America and Caribbean