15 Mar 2024 Story Gender

Liazzat Rabbiosi: A Woman Facilitating International Environmental Policy-making

Image by Liazat Rabbiosi

Liazzat quote_cardThe world’s environment has been protected by a series of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). Meet Liazzat Rabbiosi, who works as a Programme Officer at UNEP’s Ozone Secretariat in Nairobi.  The Secretariat facilitates international negotiations and decision-making processes under the Montreal Protocol (MP) and the Kigali Amendment (KA).

Impacts of women on  policy-making

Working for the MP is Liazzat’s most rewarding experience. She enjoys working directly with stakeholders, contributing to its effective and nimble implementation structure, and seeing tangible results of her work. The Protocol is widely recognized as one of the most successful MEAS in history, having played a critical role in safeguarding the ozone layer and protecting the climate. Liazzat is proud to be part of its close-knit global community of talented professionals.

With a background in environmental policy and regulation, Liazzat is keen on promoting policy coordination and integration and a science-based life cycle approach. She has been fostering the Secretariat’s partnerships in areas related to cooling, cold chain, and energy efficiency. With 15 years of service in UNEP, she has brought different perspectives to the MP process with the idea of scaling and widening the global impacts of the MP and its KA.

Previously, Liazzat assisted 11 South Asian countries in implementing their National Phaseout Management Plan under the MP and the preparation for the KA with UNEP’s OzonAction. She also helped UNEP to pioneer an eco-innovation approach among businesses, based on circular economy principles, and put in place a global consumer information programme under the One Planet Initiative for Sustainable Consumption and Production.

Pathway to international  career

Liazzat had always aspired to work in an international environment. She believes it comes from her nomadic spirit and culture that sees no borders and allows her to assimilate with ease. She grew up amidst a difficult political transition to independent Kazakhstan and had the opportunity to live in a world guided by different political viewpoints. This has enriched her understanding of global sustainability policies. She became interested in environmental protection, after having worked on a project on the Aral Sea and decided to continue her education in environmental sustainability, policy, and regulation. It is her ability to see the bigger picture and integrate programme elements and aspects that enables her to thrive in this career.

Unconscious bias has been Liazzat’s lived experience but she has refused to be confined by stereotypical boxes. For her, it was about being the best version of herself and doing what she loved.

Liazzat’s tips for young girls and women

“You can be anything you want to be! Don’t get imposed or expected to follow socially-constructed expectations”. Young girls should be reminded to grab the opportunities. We need to create the foundation for these opportunities through social equity and justice.


This story is written on the occasion of International Women's Day, 8 March 2024



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