In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications 2. 44th meeting of the Open-ended Working Group of the Parties 3. Importance of Women in Cooling Sector Highlighted at Montreal Protocol Side Event 4. Pursuing the Food Cold Chain Action Agenda: Emergence of Finance Mechanisms – In the margins of OEWG-44 5. New IIR Informatory Note. Low-GWP Refrigerants: Status and Outlook 6. Decarbonising Singapore's Energy System in the Context of Cooling 7. UNEP OzonAction visits Jordan to Expand Montreal Protocol Cooperation 8. Canada's Federal Halocarbon Regulation changes 2022 9. The sharp increase in refrigeration needs should be better reflected in public policies 10. Metropolis meltdown: the urgent steps we need to take to cool our sweltering cities 11. Nuclear concern over HFC availability