In this issue:1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications 2. The ozone layer continues to slowly recover 3. Long-term variability of human health-related solar ultraviolet-B radiation doses from the 1980s to the end of 21st century 4. Protecting the Ozone Layer Is Delaying Arctic Melting 5. 2023 World Refrigeration Day Promotes "Next Generation Cooling" 6. The Green Cooling Revolution: How Solid-State Cooling is Reducing Energy Consumption 7. Hydrofluorocarbons, Climate, and Health — Moving the Montreal Protocol beyond Ozone-Layer Recovery 8. National Cooling Action Plan for Kenya 9. Japan Extends Its Natural Refrigerant Subsidy Project to Fiscal Year 2027, with ¥7 Billion for Fiscal 2023 10. China Releases List to Guide and Promote Low-Global Warming Potential Alternatives to Ozone-Depleting Substances 11. Training of Trainers for Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Instructors in Iraq 12. US-India Climate Partnership: A World of Opportunities 13. Georgia: Environment Ministry hosts meeting of importers of refrigeration agents