
Showing 361 - 380 of 403

403 results found

Ozzy Ozone Polar

Ozzy Ozone and his friend Zoe will be falling to the North Pole and then carried around by Tilman the Polar bear. They will learn what happens to earth’s protective shield, the ozone layer, and its interlinkage with global warming. They will also meet some scientists on the Tara boat.

ECA booklet 2007

Europe and Central Asian Network of Ozone Officers' (ECA network) collective achievements to comply with the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. In spite of challenging economic and political transformations that have affected the region over the last two decades, hard work, mutual support and partnership has enabled… read more


In furnishing the information contained in this document, UNEP does not make any warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to its accuracy, completeness or utility; nor does UNEP assume any liability of any kind whatsoever resulting from the use of, reliance upon, any information, material, or procedure contained… read more


Mona the Monarch butterfly informs Ozzy Ozone that methyl bromide, a chemical used by farmers, is harmful to the ozone layer. She emphasizes the importance of discontinuing its use and adopting environmentally friendly alternatives. To explore these alternatives, Mona takes Ozzy on a world tour, showcasing various sustainable methods that can… read more


This education pack contains an entire teaching and learning programme, based on basic knowledge, practical skills and participation, for students to learn about concrete and simple solutions to protect the ozone layer and safely enjoy the sun.

OzoNews, Volume V, 8 November 2005 issue

In this issue: 1- The meteorological conditions in the Antarctic stratosphere 2- Environment Canada Lays Charges Against Dynamic Toy Importers Ltd. 3- United States and Chile Environmental Affairs Council 4- Environmental fees, charges to be revised 5- Tough regulations on planet-imperiling chemicals rejected

OzoNews, Volume V, 25 October 2005 issue

In this issue: 1- IPCC/TEAP Special Report on Safeguarding the Ozone Layer and the Global Climate System: Issues Related to Hydrofluorocarbons and Perfluorocarbons 2- Antarctic Ozone Hole May Have Peaked, UN Agency Says 3- Southern Foods Group to Pay EPA Penalty For Leaking Air Conditioners 4- Use of Ozone Layer Depleting Substance Falls 53pc… read more

OzoNews, Volume V, 11 October 2005 issue

In this issue: 1- New Index Provides Benchmark for Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases 2- Melanoma, a Rising Threat to Children 3- Airlines Chart a New Course to Manage Halons for Critical Fire-fighting Applications 4- New Ozone Hole over Czech Republic and Germany and Neighbouring Areas Poses Health Risk 5- Hungary meets EU regulations protecting the… read more

OzoNews, Volume V, 27 September 2005 issue

In this issue: 1- Why Is the Ozone Hole Growing? 2- Environmentalists Call on European Countries to Stop Producing Ozone-Destroying Chemicals as Ozone Hole Approaches Record Size 3- Mexico Beats Deadline for Eliminating Ozone-Depleting Chemicals 4- Nigeria makes progress in ozone layer preservation 5- Farmers phasing out methyl bromide (USA) 6… read more

OzoNews, Volume V, 16 September 2005 issue

In this issue: 1- Message by UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, 16 September 2005  2- International Ozone Day to mark the signing of Montreal Protocol on 16 September; Vienna Convention to celebrate two decades of protecting the ozone layer on 21 September; "An extraordinary success… read more

OzoNews, Volume V, 6 September 2005

In this issue: 1- WMO bulletins on the state of the ozone layer in the Antarctic 2- Scientists Report Long-Term Outlook for Ozone Layer Recovery Good 3- Ft. Mead Lab Investigating CFCs in "String Confetti" 4- Pest Rule Will Have a Few Bugs, Critics Say 5- Ozone-Depleting Chemical Sold to Meth


This study provides National Ozone Units (NOUs) and owners/operators of SMEs with an overview of approaches adopted in different countries and in different sectors (refrigeration and air conditioning, solvents, foams, aerosols) to address the phase-out of ODS in SMEs. It also provides an assessment of which approaches have been most effective… read more


Illegal international trade in “environmentally-sensitive” commodities such as ozone depleting substances (ODSs), toxic chemicals, hazardous wastes and endangered species is an international problem with serious consequences: it directly threatens human health and the environment, contributes to species loss, and results in revenue loss for… read more


SolarChill, an innovative global initiative that is developing a climate- and ozone-friendly vaccine cooler that is powered by solar energy and which will directly help improve the health of children in developing countries. Produced by a partnership of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Health Organisation (WHO), UNICEF… read more

OzoNews, Volume V, 16 August 2005 issue

In this issue: 1- New Window into Ancient Ozone Holes 2- Enviros Call on Florida Tomato Industry to Protect Children by Eliminating Use of Ozone Layer Destroying Pesticide 3- Skin Cancer Cases Triple among those Under 40 4- Concern over Ozone Layer Protection (Kuwait) 5- Trane Presents Free-Cooling as RTAD Range's Coolest thing 6- EC Takes… read more

OzoNews, Volume V, 2 August 2005

In this issue: 1- Ozzy Ozone Brings Environmental Messages to the World's Children 2- EPA Bans Ozone-Depleting Chemicals (Ghana) 3- New Research is Quantifying Environmental Benefits of Appliance Insulation 4- Eclipse Introduces New Chemical Fire-Suppression System 5- RAL Questions WEEE Directive "Weakness" on Fridge Recycling


This kit is designed to facilitate the National Ozone Unit’s (NOU) efforts to reach Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) often missed through formal training methods/courses and deliver key messages and guidance to help avoid phase-out difficulties. The guidance and materials in this kit are a hybrid between outreach and basic training… read more


The countries of the world can succeed in overcoming grave international problems if their efforts are based on on partnerships, capacity building, flexible implementation mechanisms, and adequate funding.The example of the Montreal Protocol shows what can be achieved when nations agree to work together toward practical, clearly defined and… read more

OzoNews, Volume V, 7 June 2005 issue

In this issue: 1- Ozone Protection: The International Legal Regime, a new book By Gilbert Bankobeza, Senior Legal Counsel, UNEP Ozone Secretariat 2- New Wood Packaging Requirements to hit Exporters 3- US EPA Cites Quebecor World St. Cloud for Clean-air Violations 4- US EPA Reaches Agreement with Grainger 5- Govt Sets Compliance with Montreal… read more

OzoNews, Volume V, 24 May 2005 issue

n this Issue: 1- Growing Ozone Hole “Hangover” 2- Namibia to Throw out CFCs by 2008 3- DuPont Agrees to Replace Ozone Depleting Refrigerant 4- Coalition Warns against Hydrocarbon Refrigerants 5- Green Customs Training Workshop, Damascus, Syria

Showing 361 - 380 of 403