
Showing 121 - 140 of 400

400 results found

OzoNews Volume XXI - 28 February 2021

In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratification 2. Gas Card Tool: Web-based Visual Printable Cards of Refrigerant Gases 3. Global CFC-11 emissions back on track 4. NASA-funded network tracks the recent rise and fall of ozone depleting pollutants 5. NASA, LAPAN launch Ozonesonde from Indonesian site for 1st time in 8 years 6. German firm… read more

Gas Card

The Gas Card tool is a web-based visualization tool of refrigerant gases, developed by UN Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonActon, to provide engineers, workers, and technicians with easily accessible information on substances/ gases that they are working with or handling in the workplace on visual printable cards.

OzoNews, Volume XXI, 15 February 2021 issue

In this issue:

1. Kigali Amendment latest ratification
2. Illegal CFC emissions have stopped since scientists raised alarm
3. You’ve watched the film, now play the game, and see what you can do to Reset Earth! One Ozone. One Planet. One Chance
4. World leaders set for pivotal environmental assembly
5. Women… read more

OzoNews, Volume XXI, 30 January 2021 issue

In this issue:

1. A tribute to Professor Paul J. Crutzen
2. Kigali Amendment latest ratification
3. Reset earth - One ozone. One planet. One chance
4. Sources of new ozone-damaging HCFCs traced back to origins
5. Susan Solomon, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will receive the 2021 National Academy of… read more

OzoNews Volume XXI - 15 January 2021: OzoNews is Turning 21!

In this issue: 1. OzoNews is Turning 21! 2. Record-breaking 2020 ozone hole closes 3. NatRef heat pumps to the rescue 4. Embodying the Lifecycle Management of Fluorocarbons: Moving forward with the Initiative on Fluorocarbons Life Cycle Management (IFL) - operationalizing the concept into actions 5. Adiabatic gas coolers seen as key to… read more

Gas card
Gas Card

The Gas card tool is a web-based visualization tool of refrigerant gases, developed by UN Environment Programme (UNEP) OzonAction, to provide engineers, workers, and technicians with basic information on each substance/gas on visual printable cards that they are working with or handling in the workplace.

OzoNews, Volume XX, 15 December 2020 issue

In this issue:
1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications
2. Parties to the Montreal Protocol adjust to the COVID pandemic
3. Multilateral Fund’s post-COVID-19 recovery response
4. K. Madhava Sarma & K. Ramalakshmi Montreal Protocol Science Champion Award
5. Africa's clean cooling centre of excellence moves… read more

OzoNews, Volume XX, 30 November 2020 issue

In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications 2. Ozone Secretariat, High-Level Segment of COP12(I)/MOP32 - Opening remarks by Inger Andersen, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme 3. Summary of the Combined Twelfth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone… read more

OzoNews, Volume XX, 15 November 2020 issue

In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications 2. OzonAction Virtual Side Events at MOP 32 3. Contingency meeting plans for 2020-2021: update 4. The seasonal ozone hole over Antarctica will remain active well into November 5. Survey Seeks Feedback on NatRef Trends in 2021 6. Call for Green Cooling Project Ideas 7. The Montreal Protocol… read more

OzoNews, Volume XX, 30 October 2020 issue

In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications 2. Contingency meeting plans for 2020-2021: update 3. Large ozone hole recorded over Antarctic for 2020, but Montreal Protocol efforts have minimized the damage 4. Operation DEMETER VI thwarts transboundary shipments of illegal waste and ozone depleting substances 5. Linking cooling to… read more

 OzoNews, Volume XX, 15 October 2020 issue

In this issue: 1. A tribute to Professor Mario Molina, our most esteemed champion of ozone layer protection 2. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications 3. Contingency meeting plans for 2020-2021: update 4. 2020 Antarctic ozone hole is large and deep 5. The 2018 RTOC assessment report mobile air conditioning (chapter 10) 6. Climate-friendly cooling… read more


In this issue: 1. Kigali Amendment latest ratifications 2. First International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste 29 September 2020 3. Contingency meeting plans for 2020-2021: update 4. Climate-Friendly Cooling Can Slow Global Warming 5. How Montreal Protocol activities contribute to the Paris Agreement 6. Lower-GWP refrigeration & air… read more


UNEP OzonAction, in cooperation with United for Efficiency (U4E), Kigali Cooling Efficiency Programme (KCEP) and ASHRAE have jointly developed a new introductory e-learning course to increase the awareness and understanding of government policymakers, community stakeholders and business leaders about energy-efficiency related to air… read more

OzoNews Volume XX - 16 September 2020 : Special Issue on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

Special Issue on the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.
The World Ozone Day 2020 theme and tagline - OZONE FOR LIFE - 35 YEARS OF OZONE LAYER PROTECTION
On 19 December 1994, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 16 September the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, commemorating… read more

Quota tracker

The HCFC Quota and Licence Tracker Desktop Application is a simple but powerful tool designed to assist National Ozone Officers in Article 5 countries in their daily work. The tracker enables the planning, calculating, monitoring and management of consumption quotas and licences for HCFCs. It can be simply used as a tracking tool, or for future… read more

Quota tracker
Quota tracker

The HCFC Quota and Licence Tracker Desktop Application is a simple but powerful tool designed to assist National Ozone Officers in Article 5 countries in their daily work. The tracker enables the planning, calculating, monitoring and management of consumption quotas and licences for HCFCs. It can be simply used as a tracking tool, or for future… read more


Checklist for successful auctioning of seized refrigerants.


Inspection of operator facilities to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Serbian Air Protection Law on controlled ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases

OzoNews, Volume XX, 30 August 2020 issue

In this issue: 1. Obituary of Mr. Vunga Uikelotu, Principle Ozone Officer and the Head of Ozone Layer Protection Division, Tonga
2. OzonAction Rolls Out Enhanced Informal Prior Informed Consent (iPIC) Platform 3. Address major holes in ozone hole treaty to avert stronger climate change and serious health risks, experts warn 4.… read more

Showing 121 - 140 of 400