UNEP OzonAction is assisting developing countries to comply with their commitments under the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, particularly those related to the phase-out of hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). The alternatives to HCFCs include ‘ozone and climate-friendly alternatives’ such as natural refrigerants - hydrocarbons, ammonia, and carbon dioxide; and lower global warming potential (GWP) HFCs, both saturated HFCs and unsaturated HFCs (HFOs). In many sectors and individual situations, adoption of these alternatives is not completely straightforward, since they exhibit a range of specific properties such as flammability, toxicity, and high working pressures which can limit their applicability and require special practices or approaches.
‘Standards’ can assist with the process of application of these alternative refrigerants particularly in developing countries for enterprises that are not necessarily familiar with them and can be very useful tools to assist countries with the introduction of alternatives to ozone-depleting substances and related technologies, especially from the point of view of their safe handling and preventing hazards. A ‘standard’ is a formal document developed by experts to ensure a certain uniform level of products and services. International, regional, and national standards can provide an easily accessible mechanism and examples for nationally applicable requirements that could be adapted/ adopted in countries for alternatives to HCFCs.
It is the responsibility of each country to set up appropriate national legal measures to comply with their commitments under the Montreal Protocol to phase out HCFCs and other ozone-depleting substances. Standards can provide the framework and ‘insight’ as to how alternatives can be adopted with minimal disruption. A national consultation process may be required prior to adoption of a standard to ensure the national context is carefully evaluated in reference to existing standards and that the requirements of all relevant stakeholders are taken into consideration.
Historically in most developing countries, the national ozone units (NOUs) have not been closely involved with the issue of standards. As alternatives are considered and adopted better engagement with these processes is becoming increasingly important and OzonAction is assisting NOUs to increase their understanding of the standardization process in general and current standards in their particular national context.
Guidance is also being provided in OzonAction network meetings and information materials as to how to establish a dialogue with the relevant national standardization bodies to ensure that the relevant standards are adopted and that these will be appropriate to the national context and support their efforts to phase-out HCFCs while adopting non-ozone depleting, low- GWP, energy-efficient alternatives.
International Standards in Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning, 2015
This guide is intended to provide an introduction to standards and how they can be useful in supporting the adoption of alternatives in the context of the HCFC phase-out in developing countries.
Update on New Refrigerants Designations and Safety Classifications - July 2024
This fact sheet provides an update on ASHRAE standards for refrigerants and introduces new refrigerants that have been awarded an «R» number over the last few years and introduced into the international market.