At the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio + 20), Green Economy -in the context of sustainable development and eradication of poverty- was recognized as a tool to achieve sustainable social, economic and environmental development. The UN Environment Programme has defined Green Economy as "one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities." In its simplest expression, a Green Economy can be considered as one that is low in carbon, resource efficient and socially inclusive.
- Quem somos
- Onde trabalhamos
O que fazemos
- Ar
- Biossegurança
- Cities
- Tecnologia
- Desastres e conflitos
- Energia
- Meio Ambiente em estudo
- Direitos e governança ambientais
- Atividades extrativas
- Florestas
- Food Systems
- Água
- Igualdade de gênero
- Economia verde
- Mares e oceanos
- Eficiência de recursos
- Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável
- Transporte
- Educação e meio ambiente
- Ciência & Dados