Notícias Nature Action

UNEP at the UN General Assembly highlights

Photo: UN Photo/Rick Bajornas
13 Sep 2024 10:00

Summit of the Future a key opportunity to reinvigorate multilateralism: UNEP Director of Intergovernmental Affairs


Jamil Ahmad standing in front of a microphone.
Credit: IISD, ENB / Pam Chasek


In a recent op-ed for Arab News, UNEP’s director of intergovernmental affairs, Jamil Ahmad, highlighted the need for robust multilateralism ahead of the Summit of the Future

“With the world facing a slew of complex global crises — not least conflict, poverty, hunger, climate change, nature loss and pollution — multilateral action faces a formidable challenge in meeting global development goals,“ Ahmad noted. “The Summit of the Future represents a critical opportunity to reimagine and reinvigorate our global governance structures for a more sustainable and equitable future,” he added.

Taking place on 22-23 September in parallel to the UN General Assembly, the Summit of the Future brings world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on the implementation of global development goals, human rights, and peace and security.

11 Sep 2024 11:47

Summit of the Future Side Event on 20 September: "Digital Environmental Sustainability and AI for the Global Digital Compact"

Summit of the Future Side Event on 20 September: "Digital Environmental Sustainability and AI for the Global Digital Compact"
Credit: CODES


AI and digital technologies are key to advancing the 2030 Agenda, driving progress in climate action, energy efficiency, and the circular economy. However, they also bring challenges like increased energy use, GHG emissions, and e-waste. 

Organized by the Coalition for Digital Environmental Sustainability (CODES), this side event of the Summit of the Future will focus on governing AI and digital technologies. The event will facilitate discussions about the Environmental Sustainability Principle of the Global Digital Compact (GDC) and best practices for sustainable AI. Participants will be able to network with diverse stakeholder groups and experts at the intersection of digital innovation, sustainability, and policy.

The key outcomes of the event include:

➡️ Organize follow-up on the GDC’s Environmental Sustainability Mandate

➡️ Initiate actions for sustainable AI for the 2030 Agenda

➡️ Present UNEP’s Issue Brief on sustainable AI

Read the full event announcement and register here.


09 Sep 2024 10:00

Topics to watch out for at the Summit of the Future

Topics to watch for at the Summit of the Future
Credit: UNEP


The Summit of the Future is set to start in less than two weeks. Here, we want to highlight the biggest challenges facing our shared future that will be addressed during the summit.

➡️ New agenda for peace

➡️ Fair finance for all countries

➡️ AI that works for everyone

➡️ Peaceful use of outer space

➡️ Safe digital access for everyone

➡️ Youth leading for the future 

Stay tuned as world leaders gather on 22-23 September at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City to take action for all of humanity.


04 Sep 2024 13:00

UN Secretary-General calls for AI that works for everyone ahead of Summit of the Future

    Secretary General António Guterres visit to Nairobi and the UNON campus.
Credit: UNEP


On 2 September 2024, UN Secretary-General António Guterres addressed the participants of the workshop on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and capacity building that took place in Shanghai, China. In his speech, Guterres discussed the global potentials and risks of AI.

“To truly harness AI’s potential, we need international cooperation – and solidarity. And we must urgently bridge the AI gap for developing countries. The risks posed by AI are equally uneven. Without adequate guardrails, AI could further exacerbate inequalities and digital divides and disproportionately affect the most vulnerable.”

The Secretary-General also emphasized that the High-Level Advisory Body on AI will issue a report in September with a series of recommendations, including: 

  • Creating an AI Capacity Development Network that will connect AI centres and provide expertise and training data, especially for developing countries
  • Establishing a Global Fund on AI for the SDGs
  • Developing a Global Data Framework, so that local AI ecosystems can flourish
02 Sep 2024 10:00

High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance: 26 September 2024

Credit: WHO/Anfaenger-Pixabay


On 26 September 2024, the UN General Assembly will convene a high-level meeting on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) during its 79th session (UNGA 79) in New York. The theme of the meeting is “Investing in the present and securing our future together: Accelerating multi-sectoral global, regional and national actions to address Antimicrobial Resistance”.

Drug-resistant infections know no borders, meaning no single country can respond to AMR alone. Taking place shortly after the Summit of the Future, this meeting is an important opportunity for world leaders to collectively address the looming threat AMR poses to global health, food security, and achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

Read the full event announcement.

Access a fact sheet on antimicrobial resistance.

29 Aug 2024 11:48

Summit of the Future Side Event on 20 September: "Empowering Youth for Sustainable Futures: Intergenerational Responsibility and Skills for a Just Transition"

Credit: Unsplash/Baim Hanif

With young people at the heart of the discussion, this event brings partners together to explore what changes are needed in education and across society to build the green skills and green jobs to deliver a just and sustainable transition.

Co-organised with UNEP and the Government of Cyprus, this side-event will host an intergenerational dialogue between youth, UN leaders, Government ministers and experts in green skills and education. It will explore the intersection of green jobs, education and sustainable lifestyles, highlighting how these elements can converge to create a just and equitable future for all. 

New commitments to the Green Jobs for Youth Pact will be unveiled at the event, with the outcomes contributing to the Summit of the Future, informing the SDG review process, and supporting the implementation of the UNEA-6 resolution on sustainable lifestyles.

Read the full event announcement.

26 Aug 2024 12:29

High-Level Meeting on Sea Level Rise: 25 September 2024

On 25 September 2024, the President of the UN General Assembly will convene a high-level plenary meeting on “Addressing the existential threats posed by sea-level rise” at the UN headquarters in New York.

Taking place on the heels of the Summit of the Future, the meeting will focus on building common understanding, mobilizing political leadership, and promoting multisectoral, multi-stakeholder collaboration and international cooperation towards addressing the threats posed by sea-level rise.

Participants will work towards developing comprehensive solutions and actionable commitments to combat sea-level rise, ensuring a resilient and sustainable future including for small island developing states and low-lying coastal areas.

Read the full event announcement.

Watch the event live stream.  

19 Aug 2024 10:00

From Chile to China: The global effort to halt desertification

View of a shelter forest fending off the encroaching desert in northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
Credit: Reuters Connect


In the run-up to the Summit of the Future, we recall key historical moments when nations worked together in multilateral efforts to tackle global environmental problems. First identified as a looming crisis in the 1960s, desertification is now commonly accepted as one of the most pressing environmental issues. “Land degradation and desertification negatively affects 3.2 billion people around the world today,” said Johan Robinson, a Senior Programme Management Officer with UNEP. To make matters worse, desertification “disproportionately harms those who are least able to do anything about it: rural communities, smallholder farmers and the extremely poor,” he added.

UNEP has played a key role in the global effort to slow the process of desertification taking place everywhere from northern Chile to China’s Taklamakan Desert. This effort has been underpinned by the notion that as devastating as desertification can be, it can also be halted and reversed. 

To this end, UNEP has provided scientific data, financed land restoration projects, and built global political consensus on The UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). Adopted in 1994, the UNCCD is the world’s sole legally binding international agreement that explicitly links the environment and development to sustainable land management.

Read the full story.

12 Aug 2024 10:00

World leaders promise to end and reverse deforestation by 2030

Ulet Ifansasti/CIFOR
 Credit: Ulet Ifansasti/CIFOR


Leading up to the Summit of the Future, we are highlighting key historical moments when nations joined forces to address global environmental problems through multilateral solutions. At the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in 2021, more than 100 world leaders promised to end and reverse deforestation by 2030. The pledge, which includes almost USD 19.2 billion of public and private funds, is a landmark move for nature.

Research shows that a forest the size of Portugal is ripped from the earth each year, driving climate change and other environmental crises, including wildfires, species extinction, and food insecurity. As a convener and catalyst, UNEP has played an important role in supporting the global movement to slow deforestation.

“The growing enthusiasm for forests and trees is a good thing,” said Tim Christophersen, former Head of UNEP’s Nature for Climate branch. “Ecosystem restoration will be critical in turning the tide against climate change and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Read the full story.

05 Aug 2024 10:00

End of leaded petrol a milestone for human and planetary health: UNEP Executive Director

Маленькие дети на дымной улице
Credit: UNEP/Paul Quayle


“Leaded petrol was a huge mistake from the start, even if people may not have known it at the time,” said Rob De Jong, the head of sustainable mobility at UNEP. “The world would be dealing with the consequences for a century.”

In anticipation of the Summit of the Future, we are reflecting on key historical moments when countries united in multilateral efforts to address global environmental problems. Following a 19-year campaign led by UNEP and global partners, that toxic legacy officially came to an end on 30 August 2021. At a press conference in Nairobi, Kenya, UNEP announced the last country to use leaded petrol, Algeria, had phased out the fuel. For the first time since 1923, no driver on the planet will be legally able to fill their tank with lead-infused petrol.

“The successful enforcement of the ban on leaded petrol is a huge milestone for global health and our environment,” said UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen. The official end of use of leaded petrol has been estimated to prevent more than 1.2 million premature deaths and save USD 2.45 trillion for the global economy per year.

Read the full story.