Go Blue Project

In Ocean, seas and coasts

The Go Blue Project is a joint initiative to advance the Blue Economy agenda across all six counties in Kenya’s coastal region namely, Kilifi, Kwale, Lamu, Mombasa, Taita Taveta and Tana River, with the support of the European Union. The project is implemented at a cost EUR 25 million for a period of 4 years. The implementing partners include four-member states agencies from Germany, Italy, Portugal and France, and two United Nations agencies: UN-Habitat and UNEP, each implementing specific components of the project in collaboration with the counties and the Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani (JKP) Secretariat and relevant national government ministries, departments and agencies. The Go Blue project aims to harness important coastal and marine resources to achieve a sustainable blue economy and bring jobs to over 3,000 youth and women.

The project is structured around three main components:

  • Go Blue Growth: aims at accelerating sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic urban coastal growth with job creation and employment impact, especially for young people and women. . . Read more
  • Go Blue Environment: the ambition is to enable Kenya transition to sustainable, resilient and equitable blue economies across the JKP region through holistic policies and management that underpin thriving coastal communities and healthy and productive marine ecosystems for present and future generations. . . Read more
  • Go Blue Security: a safe and secure Kenyan maritime territory is key to further develop and expand a sustainable thriving blue economy, while improving the lives and livelihoods of the coastal communities through new income-generating activities and opportunities. . . Read more

UN-Habitat and UNEP are jointly implementing Component 2 of the Project – “Connecting People, Cities and the Ocean: Innovative Land-Sea Planning and Management for a Sustainable and Resilient Kenyan Coast” at a cost of EUR 7 million. Under this component, UN-Habitat and UNEP are focusing on Innovative Land-Sea Planning and Management for a Sustainable and Resilient Kenyan Coast by first establishing the status of land-sea planning as well as data availability in the six counties and subsequently, addressing key socio-economic and environmental challenges to secure marine and coastal ecosystem services through planning capacity building and pilot activities in the above named six coastal Counties.

For more information on the Go Blue project, click here.

In Ocean, seas and coasts