Accreditation to the CPR

Accreditation of representatives to the Committee of Permanent Representatives, whether based in Nairobi or outside of Nairobi, in order to participate in the meetings of the Committee, requires: 

  • Submission of a communication to the Secretariat [email:] in the form of a note verbale or a letter informing of the wish to get accredited and providing the name and contact information of the representative(s) who wish to be accredited.
  • Upon receipt of the note verbale/letter, the Secretariat will update:

This would enable the representatives to receive all the communication submitted to the CPR and authorize the representatives to register as well as participate in the hybrid meetings of the Committee, either in person or online. 

Representatives based in Nairobi 

Representatives of Missions based in Nairobi can get accredited to the CPR through the procedure outlined above. 

Any change to the composition of delegation, including departure and/or arrival of a representative, should be communicated to the Secretariat as soon as possible so that the information in the Contact Directory and the electronic mailing list is updated. It is the responsibility of representatives to keep UNEP updated about any delegation updates. 

A list of arrivals and departures of representatives is issued in advance of the quarterly meeting of the CPR. 

Representatives based outside of Nairobi 

Member States, based outside of Nairobi, can also get their representatives accredited to the CPR. 

Government Officials/Representatives in the capital, in the Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York or the Permanent Missions to the United Nations in Geneva, or in another Embassy, can get accredited to the CPR through the procedure outlined above. 

Any changes should be communicated to the Secretariat as soon as possible so that the information in the Contact Directory and the electronic mailing list is updated. It is the responsibility of representatives to keep UNEP updated about any delegation updates. 

Credentials of representatives for the United Nations Environment Assembly

All Member States are required to present credentials issued by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs for each session of UNEA pursuant to the rules of procedure of UNEA. 

In accordance with rule 16 of the rules of procedure, each member of UNEA is to be represented by an accredited representative, who may be accompanied by such alternate representatives and advisers as may be required. In accordance with rule 17, the credentials of representatives and the names of alternate representatives and advisers are to be submitted to the Executive Director before the first meeting which the representatives are to attend.

Representatives of Member States are usually invited to provide to the Secretariat [email:] a letter or a note verbale signed by the Head of State or Government or by the Minister for Foreign Affairs containing the names of representatives to UNEA. The original hard copy of the credentials and other communications are usually sent to the Principal Legal Advisor. 

Submission of credentials to the United Nations in Nairobi (UNON)

The presentation of credentials by Permanent Representatives to the Director-General of UNON is distinct from accreditation to the CPR or presenting credentials for a particular session of UNEA. 

The presentation of credentials by Permanent Representatives to the Secretary-General is governed by General Assembly resolution 257 A (III) of 3 December 1948. In accordance with this resolution, a Permanent Representative presents her/his credentials to the Secretary-General, as the chief administrative officer of the Organization. These credentials are issued either by the Head of State or Government, or by the Minister of Foreign Affairs. 

In accordance with the Secretary-General Bulletin (ST/SGB/2009/3), the United Nations Office in Nairobi (UNON) serves as the representative office of the Secretary-General in Nairobi and therefore the Director-General of UNON is charged with the delegated authority to receive the credentials of Permanent Representatives to the United Nations in Nairobi. 

Permanent Representatives should present a single credential to UNON. 

Credentials so submitted, and if so specified, would allow a Permanent Representative, as well as the other representatives from a Permanent Mission, to perform functions with respect to the other United Nations offices in Nairobi, including the UNEP. 

The Permanent Representative as well as other representatives from a Permanent Mission wishing to get accredited to the CPR should provide a Note Verbale or a letter to the Secretariat [email:] providing the name and contact information of the representatives who wish to be accredited in order to participate in the meetings of the Committee. 

Additional information: